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Rat or Fox...what do you reckon.

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Good on yer Egluntine - rats are a real pain. Friends of mine had them burrowing and living under the eglu - they killed one of the smaller chooks; bit it's neck out!!!!!


I'm lucky not to suffer from them here (touches wood quickly), but we had them in abundance in London, my grampies had them on their smallholding and various friends of mine have a constant battle too. I've got a dab hand at chasing and whacking them with a shovel, not very humane I know, but it works.


I inspect daily for signs of disturbance around the run.

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hi I would say a rat as I had a nest under my girls home! it looked like yours once I removerd some slabs next to the hen house there was a nice supply of pelets,grain and veg!!!


IMO the ground looks soft in you pic and I would be surprised that a fox would start to dig and the not continue!!!??? where the pic of a deffinate rat hole looks like its in quite solid ground!



all the best





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