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Overwintering Veg

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Those of you who want to overwinter some veg so that you have early crops next year might want to have a look at the Merchants Catalogues.


Broad Beans, Peas, Shallots, Onions and Garlic are all good for overwintering.


Garlic really only grows well in this country (at the moment!) if you plant it in October.


We went to get some of our seeds and onion sets/garlic cloves yestersay at Ryton Organic Gardens and they have already sold out of some of the bean and pea seeds :(

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they have already sold out of some of the bean and pea seeds
.... :lol: better not tell Dan , he needs to do some Pea Pod education in his house .... :lol: .


Seriously, you are VERY organised Lesley ..... I do envy your fab garden, and all the work you put into it ( and Carl of course :wink: ).

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how can I get hold of a merchants catalogue?


I find the Dobbies and the Thompson good value for money. I am paticulary interested in the minuture fruit trees Thompson stock which would be ideal in my new garden, we had to fell and burn the big ones which were existing as they were heavily diseased. :-( I was quite sad as they were a selling point to us with the house!

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