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Tom and Barbara

Oh dear somebody stop me!

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:shock: went up to the chicken farm to donate the cokerels that we had.......and came back with another 6 day old hens!!!!! it's an addiction *twitches* why...can...I...not....help....myself......*rocks*


soooo we welcome, Geoffrey the naked neck bantam, another silver seabright and four partridge pekins that were for the chop because they had splay legs......a bit of string and a leg brace later they're fiiiine


Dad is planning on getting us an incubator for Christmas - we'll be setting up in business at this rate!


Anyone else with naked necks? Dave finds Geoffrey 'repulsive' but i think he's kind of quirky

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I've tried to be strong and the incy has been switched off for 2 whole weeks......but I was thinking this week about putting some Clarence Court eggs in, just to see what would happen......lo and behold, you've already got some under a broody :roll: I think we have the incurable form of chickenitis, so basically, we just can't help ourselves :lol: . Did you know you have to have eggs in the incy/broody by 1st June if you want them to be winter layers? Thats as good an excuse as any :roll: .

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ooooh really?? well there you go, i was just in time with the dark brahma eggs yesterday then :oops:


the clarence court dozen are due to hatch this weekend so it'll be interesting to see if anything happens. I think you should get some cc in the incy before the 1st june deadline for the sake of scientific experiment.....it'd be rude not to really


do you keep all your hatchlings or do you sell them?

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I wish I could

If only I had a broody

I have one incubator....full


Fee I think you should do the CCourt ones too. In the name of science of course. Which would you do burfords or legbars (or do they do more) or maybe a box of each :D

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I kept 3 from my first hatch and sold/gave away 9. I sold 5 on saturday from the second lot - I only want to keep 1 Wyandotte and 1 Orp from that lot so 3 still to go. I think I have 2 frizzled boys and 1 straight/1 frizzled girls so will prob keep both girls as they're bantams.

The wee chicks I'll probably keep 1 of each and sell the rest.

That should leave me with 14/15 big girls by the end of the summer :oops: .

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Yes I'd like to try it out of interest - think I'd do the Burford Browns as the legbars aren't true legbars, only a trade name. Theres a bit of s"Ooops, word censored!"bery goes on about people selling Cotswold Legbars because of this and because they're not auto-sexing.

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i'm the same bron - we have the last resort of donating the boys to the chicken farm, i know she sells the ones she can but i'd much rather them go sow their wild oats and be happy! it's the only thing that i worry about with this incubator Dad is offering to buy us - if we DID start setting regularly, how easy would it be to move boys on?


I didn't realise there was so much to-do on the cotswold front fee, so what is the 'true' legbar?

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I've been really lucky so far and have given away 4 boys (I give them away free as i'm just glad they've got a home). At the moment I have a beautiful Welsummer boy - he's going to be a stunner - so i'll wait a couple of weeks and advertise him. If "Ooops, word censored!"ody wants him he'll go and live at OH's friend's farm where he'll be very free-range i.e. roosting in trees and barns but at least he'd be with other hens and cockerels.

Then I'll have to advertise the frizzle boys........and so it goes on :roll:

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no in that case I meant to eat



I know if I had huge amounts of space I would have to have two lots of birds one that I just fed and cared for no names etc so no big attachment then there would be my pet birds that had names and were stroked etc



theres one good thing about hatching pretty breeds, the chances of being able to find soemone to have them is higher

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