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I have a breeder living close to me and he suggested that if one of my hens goes broody, he will lend me an egg to hatch under her. Would a little chick be o.k in the eglu environment in the summer?


Also, if one hen becomes broody and sits on her nest, where do the other hens lay their eggs?

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The nest issus is a real problem Foxy Loxy.

Its very kind of the breeder to offer you this, but what will you do with the chick if its a male? :shock:

There's a lot to consider before doing this! Chicks are very cute of course, but you need to think it through for the welfare of all birds concerned!


A few members on here have hatched chicks, so I am sure they will be able to point out what you would need to do.


I have had my three girls for over two years and (touch wood) none of them have ever gone broody.

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I stand to be corrected if wrong, but i think the bigger hens would not tolerate a chick, even with protective Mum about. Broodies with chicks tend to be housed seperately until big enough to integrate with the flock. :?

I think!

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The broody has to be kept separately as once the egg hatches the other hens will kill the chick. They can't be put in with the rest until they are much bigger plus the problem of boy chicks. I read somewhere that the boy/girl ratio is 60:40. Not good odds. :cry:

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