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What are Roosting Bars for ??!!

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Are your chooks quite young or new to the eglu? When ours first arrived they fought over the nest box and both squashed in :D


They now go in the eglu and bumble around for a while before sitting exactly where they sit every night on the roosting bars.


They also used to perch on the edge of the nest box :roll:

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Are your chooks quite young or new to the eglu? When ours first arrived they fought over the nest box and both squashed in


They arrived on 7th April aged 18/20 weeks ?

Chikki looked bigger and heavier so presumably older and hence top chicken. They do look cute though ! Daft things !



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The second night that mine were in the eglu, I came home from work and peeped into the eglu. I could only see two chickens and was quite worried that one had gone missing until I realised that one was sitting on top of another one. They do huddle don't they.

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