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Osprey cam

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8) Thanks for that, Louise. :)


Shep couldn't believe his eyes when he saw an Osprey a couple of weeks ago down by the River Chess, Bucks! Incredible to see one down this way.


But, coincidently, he was accompanied by a man from (er, forgotten where, but an expert from English nature or similar) who was assessing the area as a possible SSSI. He confirmed that it was indeed an Osprey! :)

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That's good news Sheila 8) The small river next to me is a SSSI and they occasionally write to me when things change or if they find something new in the area and I think the whole of the River Tweed is designated too :?


I adore our Tweed Valley Ospreys and wanted to show them off :lol:


I know where the nest is but I'm not allowed to tell :silenced:


They have had the same pair coming back for a few years now 8)

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