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Butternut squash recipe please?

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Anyone got a recipe for a butternut tart/quiche-type thingy ... with wholemeal pastry .... I had one in a restaurant ages ago and would like to try and make it. Just wondered about extra flavours, as I know squash can be a bit bland on its own?

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Butternut squash is best friends with Sage, chilli or corriander seeds.


Try roasting it in big slices seasoned with a few chilli flakes and some crushed corriander seeds.


You can eat this as it is as a side dish, or chop up and stir into a risotto, topped with some fried sage leaves. This rosotto is good with a blob of creme fraishe on the side and some cripsy parma ham (crisped under the gril or in the oven)


For the pie thingy, i just roast it with the chilli and corriander as above, then chop up till squsihy, stir in half a tub of philadelphia and bung in a savoury pie case, yumyum!


Can also be roasted in thin slices, tightly packed in a oven dish, and then when nearly done pour over some creme fraishe, half a glass of wine and top with grated paremsan, bug in the oven till bubbly and brown,lovely!

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