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Quail got a cold

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Hi what would you do when one of your quail has a cold. Is it the same as treating a chicken, obtaining AB's from the vet or is it worth it? She is moving around and eating well but her breathing is quite prominent as well as sneezing regularly. Any help would be gratefully appreciated thanks.

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Hi just an update, the little girl is still sneezing but I'm wondering if she may have a blockage in her throat rather than a cold as there seems to be lump there, she is eating and drinking well and looks well in herself generally. I have been putting 1ml of baytrill in a half pint of water, whether this is enough remains to be seen. Have also been ABing the other quails also, however, I have some bad news, I went up to see the quails Thursday morning and found my little boy Tommy had passed away. He had no symptoms and had been relishing on his mealworms the day before. His little body didn't show any signs of illness, the only thing I can think of is that he had been fretting over the little girl I had isolated, maybe his favourite lady perhaps, I'm only assuming though, so things haven't been very good of late. The other 5 girls seem to be in very good health but am keeping my beady eyes open for any slight changes. I would be ever so grateful if someone could advise if I am putting enough baytril in the water or if perhaps I need to up the amount. I have the baytril when one of my chooks who was ill a few months back but unfortunately didn't use as I knew it wouldn't be any good for her illness, sour crop, which she unfortunately had to be put to sleep for as it wouldn't clear.

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Sad update, I had to have my little girl put to sleep yesterday. After visiting my dad I came home to find her covered in blood, it looked as though she had been coughing up blood. I also have another dilemma, one of the other quail is s"Ooops, word censored!"ping with another so I have had to separate the bully. Should I get another boy to try and calm the situation or could he end up also being bullied. Help I don't know what to do, I'm at my wits end. :(:cry::?:

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Hi there. I have 3 quail. 1 boy 2 girls. They stopped laying about 6 weeks ago and one girl became very aggressive to the male. She was attacking him and pulled a lot of his feathers out. I separated her from the other 2 for about 5 days. She could still see them through the wire just couldn't get to them. Popped them all back in together then hoped for the best and touch wood they have been fine ever since. Hope this helps.

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