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Finally getting an eglu and bunny

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:D:D:D Have a holiday in September and am going to get an eglu and bunnie/s Very excited.


I am looking for a bunnie/s that like to be picked up and are quite friendly, is there any breed that anyone would recommend for having a good temperment or does it just depend on the individual rabbit?

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Thanks Chelsea!


I know it's still a couple of months off but I'm still really chuffed. I think I am just going to go to the pet shop and see what they have. I wanted to get a rescue bunny but can't find any in my area, the only place that some times has some hasn't had for a while, though I guess that's a good thing really.

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It's all about how much they've been handled as babies. Baby rabbits that have been used to lots of contact are much easier to handle & bring on than ones that haven't & are timid

I would try & go to a small breeder instead of a pet shop. Someone with just one or 2 rabbits who has spent lots of time socialising the babies. 8)

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I got my mini lops from this lady: www.rossrabbits.co.uk who also breeds dwarf and french lops (not sure they'd fit in the eglu though, they're huge!) I had to travel a bit to get them but she's very easy to find, just off the M40, and they were really worth it as they're great buns, very friendly. If you reserve one when she's got a litter due she emails pics of them each week leading up to adoption day!

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