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Baby Hedgehogs!

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we have had a few problems with baby birds and ducklings like that. The best thing to do is move the babies because other wise mum will keep coming back with food for them and she will stay with them. :cry:


that was tonight's plan. It was too late to really do much last night - nearly midnight. We have just taken the lid of the box and mum is back in there. We have removed her placed her in a very temporary box (cardboard :( ) until we can get the wood tomorrow to make her a new one. The original box, with its contents is being burned as we speak :cry:. It was the best thing - it was too contaminated to even consider re-using, no matter what we did to it. We have made absolutely suure that none of the babies have survived before doing this.


I have found a hedgehog forum and am seeking advice through it.


Finding Mum H alive and well is a glint of sunshine on a horrible event.


Thanks for all your posts. Funny isn't it - the first thing I did after we found it all was come and post on here. The support keeps you smiling.

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