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temporary housing

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Hi everyone,


I feel a bit frustrated today as I have seen some lemon pekins for sale. When my mk2 is vacant, I want a buff orpington bantam & some pekins or just pekins. Problem is until my cube arrives on 14th August, the mk2 is occupied.

I just wondered if I got the pekins , would there be any sort of temporary accomodation I could keep them in? I could keep them indoors so long as they were in something for a while. I'm not keen on the thought of wood houses, so have steered clear of popping down to the shed place & buying a cheap arc.

Another question is - if I got some very young pekins & kept them in a broody box with lamp indoors...at what age could they be sexed? I'd love a cockerel, but I couldn't have one where I live at the moment. Definitely when I get my smallholding in the future tho! :wink:

Hope someone can help as I really want my pekins!



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That's ok :D

At the moment my chickens live in the eglu mk2. When my cube comes they are moving out and into the cube, so my mk2 will be empty - that's why I'm having bantams, so they can live in the empty eglu.


But I'm a bit impatient & want some pekins now!!! he he


So any ideas for temporary accomodation for them would be great! A bit like sending them to the chicken YMCA!!!! :lol:



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I bet I am to blame for this :D:D:D


I reserved mine - then as cube was later than originally planned, I had a batch from the next hatchings - which I am thrilled with.


Do you have space in a shed - so that you can make up a temporary house inside with say a tea chest on its side and some netting around for a run - and deep litter of course?


A rabbit hutch and extra run?


If you buy them mite and pest free and use a new rabbit hutch or whatever that has not housed any 'animals' or poultry, I don't see why it should get infested with and mites etc before you cube is due


If you are concerned use Diatom.

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Wooden housing doesn't necessary equal red mite infestation! It's all about housekeeping and staying alert - pretty much the same as with an Eglu or Cube. There are some bargains to be had on e-bay, or the cheapy rabbit runs from pet super stores (provided you can put them somewhere foxproof). Go for it - I would!!

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I swapped my eglu for a wooden house (as it wasn't big enough and the cube was barely in planning stages) and I wouldn't change it now, not even for a cube! We've had a few red mites this summer but the problem was easily solved and avoided them completely last summer. Wooden houses aren't as bad as everyone makes out - especially if it is only temporary :D

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