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Herbs - fresh & dried

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Do you want me to send you some bay Sarah? I have loads.. think I've got your addy somewhere, but it might be an idea to PM it to me. I've also got loads of oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme, parsley and basil if you want some of those too. They should still be pretty fresh by the time you get them and can easily be dried in the oven on a baking tray.



Sorry, dunno which ones Jamie uses... don't watch telly. But they would only be in flower in season, I suspect that he uses the flowering ones purely for effect as it doesn't make any difference to the taste.

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Thanks Clare, I just found some fresh Bay in Waitrose (good old Waitrose!).


I bought heaps of dried ones in Kos - a huge bag was about £1 I think, which was a bargain.


Jamies herbs were sort of whole Oregano heads,with the flowers,all dried, which he just scrunched up.They looked great, & you have reminded me that I have heaps of oregano in the garden which I can use (I have at least 4 big bushes, its a favourite of mine as a plant) :roll:


I lost all my Thyme this summer, so I might pop down to the Herb Centre for a stock up later. I do love being able to pick my own herbs from the garden.


We have decided that if we lose our Crab Apple tree this year, which is likley as it fell over a month ago & is now propped up with stakes & laden with fruit so not at all straight, we will replace it with a big Bay.

They are gorgeous trees & useful too



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