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Vets' warning over rabbit virus

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This article was in our local paper today as myxomatosis is a big problem in Norfolk this year but I guess with the weather we have had this summer the rest of the country will have the same risk. At least if your bunn has been vaccinated it will be more likely to recover from the virus.



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The story was on GMTV this morning and apparently it is a problem all over UK because of the weather this year there are more mosquitos and fleas than usual and they are carrying the disease to pet rabbits. I don't have any bunnies but if I did, I would certainly get them extra jabs this year just to be on the safe side as it is such a horrible disease.

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We lost one of our rabbits on Wednesday evening - she had droopy eyelids and swollen ears but was not in any discomfort yet. the vet diagnosed mixamatosis immediately and said there was only one thing to do. We had to have her put to sleep. very distressing and very sad.

Unfortunately even vaccination doesn't guarantee survival and the treatment for a suffering rabbit is not pleasant for it (or you) and can result in permanent disfiguration.


We have three other bunnies and we are now just sitting and waiting to see if they have also contracted it. Not a nice situation at all

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In October last year we lost both rabbits to myxi We now have 2 more and I'm hearing different opinions re vaccination. Some say there are different strains & therefore your rabbits are not totally protected others you must get it done and now preferably 2x per year.

We don't think we could bear it happening again

We are not very rural does this make any difference????



RIP Hermione 25/1/08

1 exbat

1 1/2 banty

1 cat

1 13yr old daughter

1 hubby

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Sorry to hear you lost bunnies to myx. :( Apparently, the vaccination is actually not that much like the strain that affects them. However, it still gives them a far better chance, in the sense that if they get it, they get a strain that they can be cured from (although they don't always make it). So, I do get mine vaccinated (even though they are indoor bunnies), as myx was absolutely rife last year with the damp weather (lots of mozzies etc). It can also be spread by fleas etc.

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