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Allergic to the car

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It might be worth mentioning that there are different types of nitrile glove you can try Sarah this is how mine started :?


They outlawed the latex due to allergies and only kept in stores the purple ones but people started to react to the plastic it is the chemical (accelerant) that they use to make the plastic supple that causes the problem :roll:


Each colour glove uses a different accelerant and the green ones also contain aloe vera 8)


As far as I know there are blue, purple, green and white which are meant to be the most gentle but I have apparently reacted to them all but am now thinking that the car thing may have been masking the result so once I am healed I will try again :lol:


Alsoi tell them about the car link as it is a newer car and these chewmicals will leech for years so others may have a similar problem :?

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