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Hair Washing with Shampoo SLS Free !!

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Well the title says it all. My latest project is making my own perfume, so that has meant I've been spending quite o lot of time shopping online (well thats been my excuse). In the process I've come across Base Materials for all sorts of things. SLS Free shampoo base and conditioner base, cleasners ,face creams, shower gels you name it.


So I was thinking for those of you who use these things, you could buy the bases and add the essential oils of your choice and there you have it your own individual fragrance shampoo. Might be worth having a look.


Two shops I came across are Essential oils online and Avena Herbal Products, I'm sure that there probably are many more. Hope its useful to someone :)



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8) That sounds interesting, thanks Anne. Are you still shampoo-free? Having been with you on The Project for 10 months, I do use shampoos/conditioners, but strictly 100% non SLS, so this is def. something I'll investigate.

I quite fancy skipping the extra fragrance and diffusing my own rosemary. If I do get around to gettuing the bases, I'll let you know how I get on. :D

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Hi Sheila, yes I'm still shampoo free. It's interesting when you scout around the internet the things you find. So many so called homemade soaps and things you see for sale on craft stall are just bought in and melted down a few rose petals and fragrance added wrapped in cellophane and bingo that will be £5.00 thankyou very much.


Good luck to them if it makes customers happy and their bank balance. Lush is just the same if you read the ingredients many contain all sorts of stuff SLS's ,Parabens ....Some are ok but you have to read and know whats what.


I make all our washing things but i know it takes a lot of time, since started Peter's eczema has gone, now it could just be a coincidence but i can't go back to shop bought just in case.



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