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Right change of plan, and more questions

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Well after wandering round my little garden with a tape measure I have concluded that it actually takes up less space to actually opt for a bigger cube as oposed to the eglu. if the elgo and run is a max of 300cm x 155cm max and the cube and run is 160cm x 200cm, is this right or have I read wrong?


Am I also right in thinking I could keep 6 hens in this if not letting them out or up to 10 if Im letting them out to fre range?


If this is right then I would like to opt for some of the bigger (less foraging types) that a docile and lazy ha ha ha like cochins. Am I right in thinking I could happily have about 5 of these, even if only letting them free range in my small garden in the mornings?


Also what other chooks would you rcomend to keep with these, that will get on and not forage much?

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Even with the cube extension, I would think that 6 hens would want to free range at times. We only have 2 chickens in an eglu (for sleeping only purposes could fit in at least 3 more), but the reason for this was that we knew they could not come out of the run during the day. We're already saving for an extension kit, as it seems too small a space for the two of them. The cube will comfortably hold more chickens, but I think it is the run space that is important for their happiness.



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I think you're right about the measurements, because the Cube run allows space underneath the Cube itself, whereas the Eglu is the house and the run together ... it is quite long, especially if you add an extension. I don't have a Cube, but am planning to get one in the spring.


I don't think I'd want more than five in a Cube without an extension though. I know the Eglu standard run is supposed to house three, but I agree with nicki9, the space seems a bit small if they can't freerange during the day. I'm sure they are fine, but I'd feel guilty about not giving them more space!

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Dont worry I do plan on letting them free range for at least every morning. Im still unsure on what breeds to go for. Def one Silkie and One Pekin. Im tempted to go for one of the big ones either Cochin or Brahma (info is telling me Brahmas are more regular layers and the eggs are reasonable size) And then a couple of hybrids that will lay regularly for me, That way I get the combination of regular layers and pretty chooks.


I think I might just look at putting some netting up over the flower beds to detract them from scratching on it.

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That sounds fantastic - I'm still trying to persuade OH on the more chooks front. Have you considered ordering the hybrids (ie Gingernuts) from omlet, I think they build your cube for you then?


I know we did that with the eglu, and they set up the run in no time.

(my DIY skills are zilch - that's why I keep the OH :lol: mind you if we got a cube part of the selling factor would be him being able to have fun building it! :D )


Can't wait to see some piccies when your cube and choks arrive!

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We have six girls in the cube - 2 brahmas, 2 cochins and 2 hybrids. My girls are allowed out of the run when someone is home but when we are out at work, they have to stay in their run. :(


I ordered the cube with an extension but as I have large girls, I was a bit worried that they still did not have enough space. I have just fitted another cube extension and they seem a lot happier now. :D


Our eglu is home to our bantams - 4 pekins and a buff orpinton bantam. They are tiny at the moment and so the normal eglu run is perfect for them. However, I have plans to turn the side of the house into 'pekin heaven' for the spring.

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