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Extremley Noisy Chicken Help please!!!!

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Hi all,

As the title says we have an extremely noisy chicken Poppy, we have had no complaints yet from our neighbours, but she is getting louder everyday.

If anyone could help us, we would like to rehome her to either a sanctuary or farm...

So if you know of any sanctuaries, or farms that would taker her on... we have tried a few round our local area but no luck.

Any help would be much appreciated


Sue and a very very stressed alan!

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We have noisy chook also. Ella our top chook is very noisy and has been for quite a while. I think the more you worry about it the noisier you think it is. I dont think the noise is as loud as you think it is outside your garden!! :)


When Ella gets really noisy (she bawks if she wants to come out, if she has laid an egg, if one of the other chooks is bothering her, or if there is an intruder or strange noise in the garden :roll: ) we sometimes squirt her with the hosepipe (quick harmless squirt everytime she gets loud) and this seems to do the trick.


We also close the door every night to prevent early morning bawking!


It might get better when the clocks alter next week.


Hope you can find a solution, but i do completely understand where you are coming from. Ella had me out in the garden at 5.30 am one morning with her noise!! :roll:

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Hi all,

As the title says we have an extremely noisy chicken Poppy, we have had no complaints yet from our neighbours, but she is getting louder everyday.


Before you do anything hasty why don't you pop round to see your neighbours and ask if she is disturbing them. I worried about mine being noisy but when I asked they hadn't even heard her.


It might be that you are very sensitive to it and that it's not actually bothering them at all.


Hope you can get it sorted out :)

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I worried about my hens making a racket for no reason - and caught one neighbour clucking at them and then hiding behind her washing line and laughing as they bawked back whilst racing round trying to find "the strange hen" ..... and the other neighbour clucking at them whilst she fed them.......


Both sets of neighbours say they never hear them inside their houses and they like the noise when they are in the garden..... but we are very rural and I think the cows make more noise and the pigs both more noise and smell.


Helen in Hume

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Awww thanks for all your lovely support but sadly alan could no longer take the noise,

so he took her back to the farm where we originally got her from.... when we first went to get her she was on a free range farm and a "few months old" ... on closer inspection she is 18 months old and a real talker shall we say!

anyway she is better off back on the farm.

We have a new younger point of lay red rhode island cross to keep mabel company who is called mildred..

Thanks again



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