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I've ordered my orange cube!


DH and I went to visit Omlet yesterday. Following a lot of the discussion on here about the limitations of the Cube's run/etension, DH agreed to build me a large walk in run, and we had agreed that we would have the Cube outside the run. We're now designing the details, and so we needed to see the Cube so we could make sure we took itnot account any foibles.


James was great, patiently spent time with us while we pulled, prodded, and poked the display cube. Thanks to Snowy, we were looking paricularly at the sliding roof and the ladder.


I hadn't planned to order it yet as the chooks aren't coming til March, but I decided I might as well as we were there, and they'd been so kind, etc etc.


It's coming on 6th November!


I also came away with a pile of other stuff, I know it's far too early but I just couldn't resist. I have my egg tray (which I will not use until I have eggs from my own hens), plus Vermx, Grit, pultry spice.


I'm so excited. It's ridiculous really, as I still have months to wait... but I think it means we can get on with the run anyway.


Just wanted to share....

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what colour did you go for?


Our cube arrived today with the 2 new pepperpots. (Macca and Pacca)


It is VERY Orange but ace! the new chicken have had a bit of arghi bhargi with Harriet but holding their own very well!


I bet you don't wait till march for chickens!

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what colour did you go for?


Orange, much to my DH's disgust. However, I told him I was also considering Pink (which wasn't true), so he was happy at the orange.


I did nearly falter and go for the red, as that looked much better in real life than I expected. But Orange won the day.


And you're right. I can't wait til March. It's such a long way away. But I will be strong. I will; I will wait.



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