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Have just been tearing down my first ever crop of runner beans, from my first ever garden, in my first ever house, and the chooks were getting very excited - knowing they like beans, I thought I would give them the whole plant - it was a bit shrivled around the edges, but they LOVED it!


I am now planning what I could grow next year, thinking more about whether they will like it than whether I will!!!


These chickens do something to the brain, I am sure of it!

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Mine love beans too, although the leaves rather than the pods. I had to put a 4ft high mesh around mine, or we wouldn't have had any pods! I would still catch them jumping to try to reach the overhangs. If it's of any interest, they did exactly the same with the raspberry leaves - ate everything within jumping distance.

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These chickens do something to the brain, I am sure of it!




Congratulations of your first ever crop. in your first every garden, in your first ever house!! :D:D


Next year try perpetual spinach. It grows all year, including winter, with some protection and my girls love it. Good for iron too! :wink:

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