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The Bantam of the Opera

Pics of my gorgeous new girls.

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I put these pics in the buff thread but i thought i'd post them in a new topic because everyone loves to see a good hen pic. :wink: not that mine are that great quality. lol


My new girls are a wonderful sucess story.


I'd been keeping herro and the buffs seperate because i tried to introduce them and they just started attacking eachother straight away but today herro escaped from her pen whilst i was at college and when i found her they were all free ranging quite happily together and have become firm friends. :D im so happy it worked out well. I left them to their own business and when i went out to check taht they were in bed they had all cuddled up together in the bufs house. Herro is dwarfed by them but i think shes showing them the best places to find bugs to win over their friendship :wink:


so here are some pics of them free ranging.



herro, madame rosmerta and doris lay's behind.



Herro, madame rosmerta and doris, eating.



The girls free ranging together.



The proud and "Ooops, word censored!"le herro with her new buff-buddies


and heres a picture of my duckies crispy (foreground) and peking (behind)


thought id add that in because no one has seen a pic of them yet and they are just so pretty ^_^

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