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Yes its definitely kosher - I found it on the BBC website - so far since it went live at the end of October it has given enough rice to feed 50.000 people for a day. I think like the mammogram thing is ti something you can keep going back to - it does good and doesnt cost us a thing except a few minutes of our time.

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i'll keep going back and having a go although i take exception to it telling me that 'forbidding' meant grim when I chose 'opressed' surely 'foreboding' would be grim? Forbidding someone would be opressing them wouldn't it?


anyway, I'm a pedant who likes to improve their word power so i'll be back to add more grains ;)

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Poet wrote:


i'll keep going back and having a go although i take exception to it telling me that 'forbidding' meant grim when I chose 'opressed' surely 'foreboding' would be grim? Forbidding someone would be opressing them wouldn't it?


I also get quite annoyed at the answers they come up with. Something can look forbidding in which case grim would be correct, but forbidding someone to do something would definitely be "opressing", you have to look at the endings of the words, at least I think so :) I have never managed to get to the holy grail of vocab level 50, but if you play it A LOT the words re-occur so you can kind of cheat :oops:



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My dad used to subscribe to The Reader's Digest when I was a child and I used to love the bit 'Improve your word power'. I love expanding my vocab and improving my grammar, but it also makes me more aware of grammatical mistakes other people make. I can't read a book; magazine, newspaper etc without finding something grammatically incorrect.


E-mails and memos that used to come from the bosses where I worked were so full of spelling mistakes, incorrect grammar and mixed metaphors that I used to despair!


My sister came up with (what I thought) was a fabulous mixed metaphor one night, when we were all a little tipsy, that I wrote a poem about it...


Mix Me a Metaphor


Bartender, bartender

mix me a drink

something refreshing

that might make me think.


I know, I'll have a 'metaphor',

on the rocks, long and cool.

Blimey barman, that's got a kick;

it's veritable 'rocking horse fuel'!


The only problem is, most people don't get the mixed metaphor in the poem, oh well.



I forgive people quickly typing in forums and I love colloquialisms but when you sit down to compose a professional publication, it's unforgivable.


OMG, I'm off on one of me rants!!!!!

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No...it doesn't carry on forever. :oops::oops::lol:


I have earned 4150 grains :shock: and it still hasn't stopped! How much longer Egluntine? (I want to go to bed!)


5140 grains now - decided to stop! :lol:

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So when does it stop?


I got up to vocab level 47 a couple of times, then back down again. It was fun but I spent a long time doing it and was late to bed!


I hesitate to get trapped again . . .

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