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school governer????

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I was a governor for 2 years. I gave it up because of the amount of meetings involved, & some of our meetings went on until after 10.30pm. I had 6 full governors meetings to go to in the year, plus numerous committee meetings.

Having said all that, I really enjoyed it, but just couldn't commit fully to it anymore.

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ditto - I was a governor, but it coincided with family illness and bereavement, and I couldn't keep up with the meetings so I resigned.


It was interesting though. It depends a lot whether it's a primary or secondary school, and the size of the school. You could be (for example) interviewing a new head teacher, deciding on discpline or even on whether to exclude a pupil, setting uniform rules - but mostly there are sub-committees for these things, so you can choose how involved to get.


I think it's a great thing to do - go for it! many schools struggle to get committed governors.

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hi, its a small primary school, ive got 3 girls that attend, 1 in nursery, 1 in year 2 and 1 in year 6 . The school has a real community feel and all the staff are really lovely. I have 4 kids but i dont work and i couldnt think of a better way to repay these people that take such time and care to teach and take care of my girls, and i have the support of a wonderfull husband and friends that are willing to help me out if needs be

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I'm doing my second 4 year stint at my children's primary school :D It certainly gives you an insight into how the education system works from the inside.


You will find it really interesting, I think I was a little naive and thought I could take parents ideas in and get them implemented, but it doesn't work like that :? Do go on the training courses that the LA organise, they are well worth it :)


karen x

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As said above it can be a handful. BUT in a small primary school it's not so bad. Our school has 100 pupils and we have 3 meetings a year. Exclusions are not on the table - the worst behaved kid in school is the Head's son!


NEVER NEVER NEVER Volunteer in a large secondary school. There will be lots of meetings, they will go on for hours and there will be loads of discipline problems.


Of course Governors may also need to be interviewed by Ofsted!


Having said that - I enjoy it and it gives me a sense of community and a different perspective on education - which is what I (as a teacher) wanted.

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UPDATE: ok so we get a letter back from school today to say there are 3 people up for two govener places, and its going to a vote, :anxious: i know its a bit sad :oops: but i really want to do this, my life just seems to be a bit stagnent at the moment, not working and all, but unfortunatly the other two people that are up for it are quite involved in the school and everyone knows them so i figured ive pretty much lost out already :( . One does just about everything you could possible do for the school and the other which is a close friend of mine has such a wonderful personality she lights up everywhere she goes, the vote closes at 9am on 6th december but im not holding my breath but i will let you know

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we had a class birthday party today and when i went to pick up my daughter one of the people put up for govenor, not my close friend, came over to me and said Oh i dont know if i can talk to you because you are the opposition :? I just laughed and said hello because i assumed she was joking, but she then proceeded to stomp off in the other direction and i quickly realized she was serious :shock: Im now thinking of pulling out if its going to cause bad feeling, i only put my name down to have something to do and help the school out, not to start a fall out competition :cry:

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we had a class birthday party today and when i went to pick up my daughter one of the people put up for govenor, not my close friend, came over to me and said Oh i dont know if i can talk to you because you are the opposition :? I just laughed and said hello because i assumed she was joking, but she then proceeded to stomp off in the other direction and i quickly realized she was serious :shock: Im now thinking of pulling out if its going to cause bad feeling, i only put my name down to have something to do and help the school out, not to start a fall out competition :cry:


Don't pull out....with an attitude like that she is not going to do a good job.


Stick with it.

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im so dreading tommorow morning, we have to go into the school while they count out the votes, its going to be embarassing if i dont get in and embarrasing if i do, im not very good at stuff like that, im a confident person but just dont like situations like that :oops: the upside is, do you know i said the other lady had been funny with me? well it wasnt only me, she has been funny with my friend that is up for govener also, at least i know that one of is definatly going to become govener, i might drop out of the vote off tommorow because i need to see the doc for my ear, and just get the news from my friend :lol: I will post on here as soon as i can and let everyone know how i got on, i wasnt very confident that i would get it but ive had so much support and people coming to me and telling me that ive got their vote, im getting kind of excited, but nervus at the same time....HOW SAD AM I :roll:

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The way they are counting the vote sounds very daunting- I was up in a vote when I became a governor, & so totally understand that you are feeling nervous. I just had a phone call from school to say I had "got in", which is much better than watching the votes be counted.

That reminds me of when I vote count at local elections :lol:

Let us know how you get on, we're rooting for you.

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Good luck, I do hope that you get selected, you sound really motivated and interested. I think you'd be a real asset to the school :D .


My hubby's governor at son's school, a large, wide ability, all boys school, and he's really enjoyed his time doing it. He's gained such a lot of insight into the educational system and really feels that he's contributed in a small way, to the successful running of the school.

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didnt get in :cry: but i only missed out by 4 votes, which makes me feel better, but the school said that if anything else comes up or if any of the govners drop out, i'll be the first offered :D Also ive offered to help my friend out if she needs me, which she was really grateful for, and theres so much more i can help out with, i just need to show then just how wonderful i am :lol: It was quite funny when they were counting out the votes because i could hear a word they were saying :roll:

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