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Apple trees in pots?

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Calling all chief gardeners!


Today I had two apple trees delivered (late Christmas pressie :) ) and am hoping to plant them tomorrow. If anyone could offer a bit of advice (OK full instructions :roll::roll: ) it would be much appreciated!


Apparently they are bare-rooted maidens (?), on M27 rootstock and one is a James Grieve and one is a Discovery. I was wondering...


What size pot should I use (if it is OK to use pots??)

What sort of potting compost (am hoping peat free organis stuff is alright)?

Should I add any sort of fertiliser/garden compost/chicken poo (have plenty!) to the pots?

& Should I take them out of the packaging and soak the roots before I plant tham tomorrow?


Thank you in advance for sharing your collective wisdom - I promise to bring apple cake to a future omlet gathering! x

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As far as I'm aware it's ok to plant apple trees in pots-they have to be big pots though! We have lots of Conker trees in very large pots in the garden.


I do think that it better to soak the roots in water first as that's what Dad always does. They seemed to have lived!


On the pot side again-the pots can't be majorly big though as the rootball will go rotten and the plant will die. That happened to a bush in the front garden :|

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