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Rose meets Brandee & Jasmine face to face! (Beak to beak

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Well, today I let the newbies come out of the run for the first time. I kept Rose in the kitchen so they could have a bit of an explore before getting pounced on! :lol:


When I let her into the garden she did give them both a good grab by the neck feathers! :roll:


All in all I think that it went quite well though. They all had a peck about and even though she did attack them every so often-it could have been worse.


She is still not healed enough to sleep in with them so I think for now we will have an hour or so of free ranging together each day, when she is more healed up I will put her in with them at night and still a bit of daytime free ranging then after a week or so of sleeping and free ranging together I will remove the new girls run and leave them all in the walk in run together and see how we go from there.


Sounds good-let's see if it works out that way! :?:lol:

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