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I'm counting my chicken eggs before they're laid as Muriel has been doing some half-squats so I'm hoping she'll be laying soon. (Priscilla did this and laid her firstegg a few days later)


Anyway, to get to the point....


Does anyone have a Coral who's laying? What colour eggs do they lay? I'm hoping for white as she's a white chicken.

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I've got a snowbell that I think appears to be the equivalent of a coral - she lays ever so slightly off white eggs. They do look white unless put next to my gold campines eggs - they are a pure white. Still very distinctive though! :D


This picture shows the coral/snowbell eggs on the right on either side of the white campine egg. These were her first ones, they seem to have got a paler since then.


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The Poultry Centre where I got mine specifically suggested hens laying 3 different colours (mine should be pink, white and dark brown). It seemed a bit superficial at the time but I guess it will be nice to know who's laid what!




Yeah that was my though, so I have one brown, one white and one blue egg laying hybrids. (plus just wanted a pretty egg collection) :D

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Snowy - Are you there?? :D


Those eggs on the left of your piccie look huge, what type of chook is laying those?




:lol: They are from the two 18 month old gingernuts (between 68 & 73g)

All the others are from the hens that have just started laying within the last month.

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