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Guest Poet

more ethical gift ideas from the ELC

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Very cute and a great idea


Maybe the BHWT could do one with cuddly chickens - I could have a whole bedroom full :lol::lol:


i was thinking exactly the same myself! I'll pm buffie, she might be able to suggest it, I think it would be a brill idea. A lot of people object to animal adoption packs because you don't get anything other than newsletters and stuff thru the post!


I'll pm her.

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You can sponsor a hen for BHWT :D




and a lot of people do but wouldn't this be a good way to get young children into the mindset of animal welfare? I'd love to be able to give my niece a BHWT cuddly chicken, if one existed :wink:

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my DH objects to ethical gifts, like toilets to the sudan and such or animal sponsorship because the person you give it to doesn't actually 'get' anything as such other than bits of paper with updates or thank yous.


I thought this was great because not only are you helping the WWF, you actually get a gift to GIVE to the person and they look lovely and they're not too expensive either.

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I agree this is a great one for kids, and if there was a chicken one I'd definitely get one too...

My daughters all bought themselves a wwf animal sponsorship pack a few months ago. I wanted to encourage them to spend some of their pocket money on a worthwhile cause, and, as Poet pointed, it works better if they get something in the process, the cuddly animals from the WWF packs are just gorgeous, very soft, and not too big... so now my girls sponsor a panda, a dolphin and a baby orang utang, and have a picture of the sponsored animal too.

I wanted to get those for my nieces and nephew this year, but couldn't find them in the country they live in, and as they don't speak English I didn't want to send them an English pack as they wont be able to read the updates. I'll keep checking their local wwf website and maybe email them to suggest they introduce the sponsorship gift packs.


I personally love ethical gifts... my mum gives me and my husband money for xmas, and I intend to buy something ethical with it, we don't need anything, and already give each other gifts anyway. That way we get some gifts and also get to do something ethical. I'm always a bit hesitant about asking for those, if people ask us what we want, cause I don't want to appear saintly (which sadly I am really not), or offend people by not wanting something directly from them... it's hard to know how people take these things. My dad sure wouldn't approve me spending his money on other people, so when I spend it on an ethical option I don't tell him.

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