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Guest Poet

shower curtains and the wind

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this is our run...


when it rains, the mash gets wet as, despite the run having a roof, the rain gets in from the sides. DH thought about attaching a clear shower curtain to the sides where the feeders are in bad weather but my first thought was, they're going to flap about like sails in the wind, even if they are pulled taut.


Can anyone who does actually have a similar run and uses shower curtains, give me the benefit of your experience/advice please?


Failing that, does anyone have any other advice that doesn't involve spending too much money or re-building the run! ;)




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I would attach the feeders to the rear the run, (it looks like a fence). You will need to attach a couple of fencing staples ( u -shaped nails :lol: ) to hang them from. I think that would keep them out of the worst of the weather. If they still get wet you could add a little porch type canopy over them using any spare corrugated sheet if you have any.


Hope this helps.



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I would attach the feeders to the rear the run, (it looks like a fence). You will need to attach a couple of fencing staples ( u -shaped nails :lol: ) to hang them from. I think that would keep them out of the worst of the weather. If they still get wet you could add a little porch type canopy over them using any spare corrugated sheet if you have any.


Hope this helps.




i should have mentioned, the roof doesn't meet the fence precisely so there is a slight gap btwn the 2 and water does get in at the back too. The roof is corrugated plastic so the water sort of builds up in the ridges then trickles down the back but thanks for the suggestion.

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I like your run, it looks great.


if it was mine I think i would put some shelves up (to make it sort of multi-level for the chooks - ours love to get high up :roll: )


if you did that, you could put the food trays under the shelves, so they would be sheltered from the elements (so to speak)


just a suggestion




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Another cheap idea is to cut an old washing up bowl in half, cut two slots in each half and then slot them behind the feeders to provide a little canopy. I don't know how long the feeders are but you should be able to buy a cheap plastic container of a suitable size for a couple of quid. :D



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I like your run, it looks great.


if it was mine I think i would put some shelves up (to make it sort of multi-level for the chooks - ours love to get high up :roll: )


if you did that, you could put the food trays under the shelves, so they would be sheltered from the elements (so to speak)


just a suggestion





Thank you :)


DH is going to put some sort of perching in for them, that was his next job, will mention the shelf idea to him, thanks.


Ideally we wanted to keep the feeders where they are, reason being, there are holes in the mesh where they fit through so that would mean leaving big holes in the mesh if we move them. We also like to sit and watch the girls eat from our conservatory which face the run but I do appreciate any suggestions and will certainly bear them in mind.

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Another cheap idea is to cut an old washing up bowl in half, cut two slots in each half and then slot them behind the feeders to provide a little canopy. I don't know how long the feeders are but you should be able to buy a cheap plastic container of a suitable size for a couple of quid. :D




again, thank you for the idea, a sort of canopy would maybe a solution, will bear it in mind.


I like the idea of a taut shower curtain or taut clear plastic but my reservation is the noise it might make by flapping against the mesh and would possibly frighten the girls.


I was looking at Jay's run which has the sort of thing we were thinking of...




just scroll down a bit to see the photo.


I might PM her if she doesn't see this thread.


Keep the ideas coming though, thanks very much.

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I like the idea of a taut shower curtain or taut clear plastic but my reservation is the noise it might make by flapping against the mesh and would possibly frighten the girls.


I was looking at Jay's run which has the sort of thing we were thinking of...




just scroll down a bit to see the photo.


I might PM her if she doesn't see this thread.


Keep the ideas coming though, thanks very much.


Hi Poet,

The plastic sheeting is pulled as tight as I could get it and is fixed on with staples.

It does flap a bit but it isn't too bad really. The other night we had gales and even though the sheeting was making a bit of a racket-it stayed firmly attached :D


Being honest, after a while you don't really notice the noise and I am happy knowing that my girls are protected from the worst of the weather so it's a small price to pay :D

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You said that water was trickling down the back. How about attaching a length of guttering to it and then a pipe so it can lead somewhere. Perhaps into a watering can/butt?


good idea but now you're talking major work (and expense) which we wanted to avoid ;) DH is at the diy store as I speak so I'll see what he comes back with! :shock:


thank you for the suggestion though!

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DH took Kev's idea and ran with it! ;)


he got some plant drip trays from B&Q, cut slots in them to slot over the feeders and drilled some holes along the bottm and attached it to the mesh with cable ties. They now form a sort of canopy over the feeders.


They seem to working well, fingers x'd! :)


cheers Kev!





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