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Sans Shampoo haircare

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Just water :wink:


Usually quite hot water but I try when I can to wash it once a week only but with work I sometimes have to do it several times a day :shock:


The funny thing is my hair copes well with both of these extremes whereas before it would be dry when washing alot and then be greasy when it went back to 'normal' :lol:


I do use conditioner on the ends when doing extreme washing at work :roll:

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Aaaaargh, I'm going to kill my OH :evil: . Washed my hair for the first time in 2 weeks ( :oops: ) yesterday. Bit of conditioner (first for 10 weeks), bit of mousse and left it to dry naturally. He comes in and says "look at Mrs Greasy Head". (He's got a way with words :roll: .) It wasn't greasy, the mousse makes it look a bit like that till I comb it.


At least I've not got grey hair :twisted: (well, not as obvious as his anyway :wink: ).

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Ignore him Vicki :lol:


I told "Ooops, word censored!"ody for ages and "Ooops, word censored!"ody noticed unto the girl who used to work reception one day askred me if I had benn having a hair cut as it looked so much shorter - the natural curl was back :shock:


I then came 'clean' as it were and she was amazed as she is a trained hairdresser :lol:


I tell everyone now I don't care what they think it works for me and that all that matters :lol:

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Rosie did it for ages, but then decide to grow her hair and wanted to wash it with shampoo. I followed the regimen for a while, but got fed up and went back to shampooing. We both now use non-SLS shampoos though (Aveda or Faith in Nature), so it has taught us something. Our hair is in much better condition now and we wash it less.

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Hi all! I have joined this forum after Googling 'no shampoo' or something similar a couple of months ago, and reading a lot of the 'epic' thread on here (it took hours! :lol: )


Anyway, my name is Sarah, and I have now been 8 weeks without shampoo. It will be nice to share experiences with people, as everyone else I speak to (I haven't told many) think I am insane I think. :oops:


My hair is/was very dry and damaged, but with greasy roots, so I have had to shampoo every other day for years now. I always used a huge amount of conditioner too. My other problem is my scalp, as I get quite bad dandruff/sehorrheic dermatitis.


Anyway, I haven't had any major greasiness since doing this (surprisingly). I started off with soapnut powder, which I didn't particular like (made my hair feel quite 'gummy' and thick), and I've also used bicarb of soda occasionally, lime juice, and apple cider vinegar. I've also tried salt water, which I found a bit drying. Oh and honey - I've tried using that to condition and lighten my hair too (I actually found it quite drying, even though it might lighten my hair, I've decided to concentrate on condition rather than colour for now).


I then got to the stage about a week ago where I was able to use just water to wash, but couldn't phase out the conditioner. So, I started using more vinegar in a final water rinse (I had only ever used a splash before that), and it feels fantastic. I can honestly say it looks better than it has for years (although I'm still hoping it will improve as it grows).


So, I guess now at 8 weeks I am probably past the worst of the detoxing (hopefully!), and now have a routine of sorts too. My only real problem is the way my hair looks - with it being calmer and less frizzy, it is flatter and now probably needs a cut. I think I'd better let it settle more before I decide what to do though.


Anyway, sorry for boring you all with my story! :oops::lol: I'd like to thank everyone who wrote in the 'epic' thread (especially Happymama), as I may not have tried this if I hadn't picked up all your tips and experiences.


Look forward to hearing how the no other 'pooers are all getting on. :)

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Hi Sarah, welcome to the forum.


(You'd better be careful, you'll end up getting an eglu and chickens when all you wanted was nicer hair :lol: .)


I've been at the no 'poo lark since the beginning of October. I've got very thick, tending to frizz, wavy/wonky hair. I'm finding it really easy not to shampoo & tend to just use hot water. I've tried the vinegar twice and also bicarb twice but feel hot water's just as good. I used conditioner for the first time last week but it didn't really make much difference. I tend to use a mousse when my hair's wet or it really goes frizzy (still :roll: ). To be fit for human viewing I still need my straighteners.


I got my hair cut last Friday so that was the first shampoo that had touched my head since Oct. I told the hairdresser (virtually the first person I've told) but she didn't really say much about it. I'm still waiting for my hair to go all soft and manageable but I'm not there yet.


Finding it easy to do so will persevere & hope to see greater changes soon!


It's good to find others doing the same thing to swop experiences :D .

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Thanks for the welcome. :)


I think I'll be divorced if I say I want chickens! :lol: We already have rabbits, guinea pigs, mice and spiny mice.


Good to hear how you are getting on. :) I actually find now that the vinegar is better than conditioner - while I'm in the shower rinsing it off my hair feels like silk (it doesn't when it's dry though, but still way better than the old days of shampoo + conditioner). Oh and a cold rinse helps with the frizzies too - I brace myself and pour cold water from a bottle over my head (mostly over the ends), when I can face it! :shock:


I think the main effect I've noticed so far is calmer softer hair, rather than fantastically lovely! When I tie it back the band gradually falls out, whereas it never would have done previously, as my hair was dry as a bone.


I hate to think of all the money I have spent over the years on shampoo and conditioner - especially when I was a poor student. Also, all the years where I wanted to grow my hair long (have never had it past shoulder length), but couldn't because of all the dryness and split ends. I'm a bit too old for that now, so not aspiring for great lengths, but what a waste. Still, better late than never, eh?

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:lol: Can I put a piccy on here??


Spiny mice are exotic mice, that are more like gerbils really than mice - their natural habitat is the desert regions (Eqypt etc). They look a bit like Clangers! :lol: They are called spiny mice because they have a rough coat that has sort of quills.


I got my spiny mice from a huge rescue last year, where a breeder had let the population get way out of control - I think about 500 were rescued from horrible conditions, so I thought I'd better take a couple. They are absolutely lovely. :)

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Hello! I think I must be new since you were on last - you're a new name to me :) .


I've been at it 3 1/2 months and am finding it really easy to do!


Does the egg conditioner work well? Do you just whisk it up & use it as is?


A friend at work told me my hair was looking great this week - eventually admitted that I hadn't washed it since October (with shampoo anyway) and she was really shocked - but surprised too!

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I'm beginning to wonder if I should try again. :? I used nothing for 9 months but now use 'natural' shampoo and conditioner. It works well and I only wash it every 7 days or so, but I suspect my hair is becoming drier again. I'm thinking of trying a vinegar rinse, maybe alternating with the shampoo. :? I don't regret doing the 9 months at all, just that water on its own never worked for me. :(

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I've been having a few problems with my hair this week. :( The problem I'm getting is that I still have to wash really often, not due to grease build up, but because of my flakey scalp/dandruff. This is no worse now due to the no shampooing, but no better either. The constant washing means I have the frizzies all the time.


The frizz is better than it was when I was washing with shampoo, but not as nice as would be if I could leave it a few days in-between.

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I'm beginning to wonder if I should try again. :? I used nothing for 9 months but now use 'natural' shampoo and conditioner. It works well and I only wash it every 7 days or so, but I suspect my hair is becoming drier again. I'm thinking of trying a vinegar rinse, maybe alternating with the shampoo. :? I don't regret doing the 9 months at all, just that water on its own never worked for me. :(


What about using a tiny bit of bicarb? Or salt?

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