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Guest Poet

quick question about worming

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DH has added 1/2 tsp of flubenvet to 2kg of mash and mixed it well, today is the first day of the recommended 7 days feeding them the treated feed.


I just want to know, should we withold ALL treats for the 7 days or can they still have some meal worms or mixed corn before bed time?


It will be horrible to deprive them of their favourite snacks for a whole week but if we must then we must.


I've been reading several threads about worming and not found the answer so what would you say?



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hi V, we haven't added it to their treats, we've mixed 1/2 tsp in with 2kg of their mash.


Anyway, we've just given them some mixed corn as they're about to go to bed anyway so we thought, as they'd been eating their mash all day, it couldn't hurt for them to have a little something?

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The dosing of flubenvet works on the assumption that a chicken will obtain the correct dose by eating the correct amount of food for it's body weight over the 7 days. If you allow them to eat anything else, they will eat proportinately less of the medicated feed. Does that make sense? So they should be eating the medicated feed only and nothing else, so no free ranging or treats (although a very small treat at the end of each day is unlikely to significantly affect the amount of mash they are eating :D )

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The dosing of flubenvet works on the assumption that a chicken will obtain the correct dose by eating the correct amount of food for it's body weight over the 7 days. If you allow them to eat anything else, they will eat proportinately less of the medicated feed. Does that make sense? So they should be eating the medicated feed only and nothing else, so no free ranging or treats (although a very small treat at the end of each day is unlikely to significantly affect the amount of mash they are eating :D )


hi C, they've been in their run all day, I don't think we'll be letting them out during their 7 days worming treatment (although it breaks my heart when I hear them asking me to come out). Can't stop them digging for bugs as their run is on soil. They were just about to go to bed anyway so we thought it couldn't do any harm to give them a bit of corn.


We won't be giving them anything else though while they're being wormed.


thanks for the advice




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I'm the same - the girls have their half a grape with a tip of knife full of flubenvet and then just eat whatever they normally have for the day - porrige, layers pellets, grain, bokashi, works and bugs etc etc. We finish wormng on saturday and they have free ranged for the past 3 days around my sisters garden!!


isn't there a risk or either under or over dosing them if you do it this way?

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They don't seem to come to any harm from it - this is the third or fourth time they have been wormed and they don't seem to be any the worse for wear and are to the best of my knowledge worm free. Lots of people here worm their girls in this way, particulalry if like me you only have 2 of them. If I mixed up a large quantity of food with the flubenvet the girls would undoubtedly ignore it with disdain!!

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Might be tricky getting a grape each into 10 chickens :shock: . I only had 3 to do but one of them managed to grab an extra grape :evil: . I'll have to separate them next time, I think.


Hm, that's what I thought. It was a bit hit and miss last time - I added a teaspoon to their afternoon mash (bowl of leftovers) as I know they each grab some of that. But obviously some do get more than others. Although I suppose it's still fairly self regulating - the bigger girls that need more do tend to get more! :D And they were all OK and no wormies seen. But I think I'll try the proper way this time :roll::lol:

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I've stirred it into their sweetcorn before now, and used the pellet method, and the grape.


The trouble with the grape method is that someone always grabs two and someone else runs the risk of missing their dose.


I prefer the pellet method, and I let them free range for an hour only in the afternoon just to stretch their legs.


I have never seen any obvious worms in their poo.

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isn't mixing 1 tsp per 4kg of mash what the manufacturer tells you do? I think I read on the practical poultry forum that someone e-mailed the manufacturer to get advice about using flubenvet for smaller flocks and this is the advice that was given.


I'm just worried about giving them the correct dose; too much could be as bad as not enough.


I'll bear your advice in mind though, thanks.

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You are right Poet - too much or too little can lead to worm resistance, as can giving the correct dose too frequently :? Just got to do the best you can with what you have! Ultimately, the medication is poisonous to the worms, not to the chickens (although can have purgative side effects if overdosed).

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was just reading this...


"...With regards to overdosing, the main worry is the residue in the eggs that results if the dose is above one heaped teaspoon per 9kg of food. This means that eggs should not be consumed if the wormer is being used at a higher dose, either while the birds are on the drug, or for 10 days after treatment finishes. Flubenvet is a very safe treatment for poultry, but I would always recommend that the suggested dosages be strictly adhered to so that large overdoses are avoided. Why put more drugs into a bird than we need to?"




that's why I'd be a bit worried about not adhering to the manufacturer's advice.


1tsp per 4-4.5kg of food does seem a really small amount but ours is not to reason why I s'pose...

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