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Recipes using jams or jellies?

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I seem to have accumulated a number of jams and jellies - some of which are unlabeled! We just don't seem to eat them fast enough!


Has anyone got any recipes that use up jams and jellies? It must be possible to use them to flavour and sweeten muffins or cakes, surely?

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Gainsborough Tart is a lovely way to use up some jam.


Gainsborough Tart


6oz short crust pastry


2oz butter

2 eggs

4oz caster sugar

4oz desiccated coconut

1/2 tablespoon baking powder


Line an 8" sandwich tin with the pastry. Spread with enough jam to cover base - any jam will do. Melt the butter, stir in the beaten eggs, coconut, sugar and baking powder. Pour into prepared case and bake for 30 minutes at GM5/200C.


Swiss Rolls seem to eat up lots of jam too - again, any variety will do.


Swiss Roll


3oz S/R flour

2 eggs

3oz caster sugar


Break the eggs into a bowl and whisk together. Add the sugar and whisk until you have a thick cream consistency. Fold in the flour a little at a time. Spread the mixture into a greased swiss roll tin (9" x 12") and bake in a hot oven (GM6/7) for 7-8 minutes. Turn out onto a sheet of sugared greaseproof paper. Spread with jam and roll up from a short end.

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