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unwell rabbit

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hi we have a rabbit who is very energetic most of the time but today when i went out to feed him he looked listless and was moving very little, is he unwell?? or do rabbits have off days? there were nothing to suggest he was hurt or had anything unusual apart form his aparent listlessness. any comments would be greatly appreciated

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Personally I find my two rabbits to be like people in someways - sometimes they're happy and energetic (in rabbit terms: bouncing round the run, grooming each other and like to be fussed) whilst other times they seem moody and lazy (in rabbit terms: they don't do much, don't sit together and don't like to be picked up). Having said that we have two girls and they actually seem to have a 'that time of the month' where they get moody and lazy which generally coincides with the mounting and fur pulling.


Only you know what your rabbit's personality is like - I'd suggest ringing your vets though. As I'm sure in some cases a change in behaviour can suggest something may be wrong. Even if you just ring your vets to ask their advice. We've rang our vets on numerous occassions to discuss things without actually having to take the rabbits in. Its better to be safe then sorry.


Hope that helps & I hope your bunny is just having an off day

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I do hope your bunny is ok today. Make sure hes drinking and eating and doing lots of normal poos. If not you may need a visit to the vets, I don't want to alarm you but my bunny was quiet all of a sudden, there was nothind I could see wrong, but he died suddenly, I still feel guilty that I did'nt do more, I did lots of research and I'm almost sure he had some sort of gut problem. I do hope your bunny is ok, I've learnt so much since, and everyone on here are great advisors, so fingers crossed :)

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Dear Everyone


I am writing on Cat's behalf as she has just gone down to her Grans for a holiday. Sadly, Freddie died in the night, Cat found him this morning as she went out to feed the animals. We have taken him to the vets to be cremated and understandlbly she is upset. In some ways we are glad that she was here when it happened, but she now has 2 weeks being spoiled by her Grandparents.

Thanks for all your concern and helpful advice.


Cat's Mum

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One of the rabbits we previously had died in the same way. Then its sister looked similar so we rushed her to the vet, but she died there - it was much more traumatic for us and I am sure for the bunny that we had rushed her off to the vet when she was so unwell, but we had done it for the best. Unfortunately the vet was as baffled as we were as to the cause. We since discovered that our garden is sighted on what was a slag heap for a mine and therefore probably has a lot of heavy metals in the soil - this may or may not have led to our rabbits demise. We will never know, but to be on the safe side we have put our rablu (now containing guinea pigs) on the concrete patio.

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