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Chicken run -questions

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I posted this in the runs inspiration thread but I think it got a bit lost so I've moved it here


Right have been doing my research

Can I ask a load of qustions, some cheeky


How big is your run?

Did you build it, buy panels have it made etc?

How much did it cost?

Would you change anything about the design if you did it again?

How many hens do/would you keep in it?



I would appreciate your help as dh is useless and I feel a bit (understatement) lost ont he whole thing.

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OK, here you go......


I have had 2 runs, & the new one which is under construction is basically knocking out the kinks that were in the first one.

So, we are using weld mesh this time, & we have given it a rat proof brick base with deep foundations.

The doors will open inwards,to push those cheeky hens out of the way, & the Cube will be outside the pen,so I don't have to go in to clean out or collect eggs. :D


We made it from scratch.

Cost - not a clue.We own a small building firm so have most of the materials to hand.


Size - well,its about 12ft round, & I will be keeping 7 big hens in it

The bantam pen is about half that,for 5 bants.


There are pictures of both pens in my gallery (link below)

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i am on my first home made run it is 3m x 3m it is made of weld mesh and placed on an old patio i put easibed down for them to scratch in.

my eglu is kept on the outside for easy cleaning and egg collection

i have no idea how much it costs i am very lucky my partner made it for me

i agree with the opening inward door idea it makes it easy

i currently have 2 chickens but i am hoping to get another 2 in the spring

my girlies do freerange alot

hope this is of some help


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we are starting to construct our outdoor run tomorrow! :dance::dance:


Its going to be 12 feet in length by 6 feet across. :D


We have ordered ready made aviary panels from the local garden centre (the panels are 6'x3'). We have ordered 11 normal panels and 1 door panel total costing £232.00.


Hubby is going to build a brick rectangle base which he will cement in and then put the aviary panels on the top of the brick. (we already have bricks here so they are costing nothing - so its just sand and cement).


Once erected we are going to put a wooden plinth around the bottom to stop the hemcore coming out and then put on a perspex corrugated roof.


Our eglus are going to be put on a "raised platform" with ladders for the chooks.


All in all I would imagine total including roof and bits of wood cost approx £300/320. :)


We have 4 chooks, you never know we might get more!! :wink:

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