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making the most of three raised beds

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Bonjour tout le monde!! :D


i need advice...


i have a rather small garden, and i managed to fit three raised beds in it...

they are all 1m25 wide, and two are 2m long, the third one is nearly 3m long.


i have done just OK with them for the past two years, but i feel i could do so much more with them!! :?

i haven't got much time as i am a busy teacher in a secondary school.

but still, this year i need to make the most of it because finance is difficult and i want most of my food to come out of my garden...

i want to plan carefully and start a proper crop rotation... but all the rotation schemes i see are doen on a four bed basis...


any advice, tip, experience sharing will be much appreciated!


Bisou :D


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First of all, make a list of veg you like, buy most often.


Things like radishes and lettuce can be put anywhere, and grow quite quickly.


Maybe split the 3m bed into 2?


Last year i have success with sweetcorn, beans underneath growing up the corn and pumpkins underneath to stop weeds. It was only a smallish bed but still amnaged to plant a couple of lettuces in too.


Runner beans don't take up much floor space.


Plant onions in small rows and carrots in between.


Courgettes (baby ones 'Di Nizza' are good - small tennis ball size) bush form, not much space.


Plant some chard/curly kale in small pots to plant later to give you some winter crops.


Spinach grows anywhere and gives good/quick results!


Hope this helps!


C x

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I have 3 beds too.


last year I put one bed over to Potatoes of various sorts, & when they came up I planted Swede & Sprouts for the winter.


Bed 2 had courgettes & peas.....upwards growing thingys take up less room :wink: Now it has overwintering Garlic,Onions & early peas in.


Bed 3 had Beetroot,Spring Onions,Carrots & Radishes.

Now it has Cauils & Brocolli,but they have all been munched to death,so I am clearing it this weekend ready for spring


Any little gaps inbetween had salad bowl lettuce sprinkled on :D

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