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Additional Soil for Raised Beds

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Construction of my raised beds is seriously underway now... two of the four major beds are complete and half of the third is half constructed.


Then added the compost bin and the mulch collected from the chicken run base as organic matter and dug well in but.....


...still have a shortfall of soil and need to get some ....


...any thoughts/suggestions/tips

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we have some but you are too far away. we just dug out for a new patio and we kept 4 tonne for my raised beds but we have some spare i have been trying to find places in the garden to put it. try the www.adtrader.co.uk there might be some in there. we take our spare lorry loads to the local soil suppliers, when we need more we buy it from there as well but it is by the lorry load. the local garden centre sells it but its very expensive.

when i did our merchants, sand, soil and gravel suppliers map i used the yellow pages for the addresses, i think there were some soil suppliers that did landscaping and had any quantity of soil on their advert, you never know they might be digging up a garden near you and could drop it off to you.

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Dilemma time...


... my visitors are of the practical type and are proposing that I need to line the raised beds with blue builders membrane. Although this sounds emminently sensible, after doing much digging on the net cannot find much evidence to suggest this is the norm...


.. what do you guys/gals think?

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We haven't done this with ours, but having said that we have made them on clean grouns and they are about 18 inches high. i f you have put them on ground which has nettles or bind weed in it you could but it could give you poor drainage unless you put holes in the membrane which would defeat the object or use a permeable one.

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update on the new raised beds...


now have all of the raised beds in place all ready to receive 4-6 inches of the delivered top soil/compost mix..


..not as much completed at the weekend as resources were diverted to fix a fence panel behind the bed. Over a cup of tea its was democratically decided that that needed to be fixed ahead of the bed immediately in front of it.


..then on Saturday the rugby started before sunset ;)


..and my flat screen TV arrived and required mounting on the wall Sunday.. :)

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All soil is now in situ.... :) yeeeeeeeeeee


My fine eye for volumes meant only two wheelbarrow surplus lol..


Have ordered online last night from Thompson and Morgan..


Onion sets - Hercules

Shallot sets - Golden Gourmet

Garlic - various

Leeks - Blauwgroene hefst Ardea



First earlies - Accent

Second earlies - Anya



Brocoli - Tendergreen F1

Cabbages - Minicole F1

Brussels - Maximus F1



Peas - Onward for successional sowing

Broad Beans - Express

French Bean - Nomad

Runner Bean - White Apollo



Carrots - Adelaide F1

Parsnips - Gladiator F1



Courgettes - Venus F1

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