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Weldmesh from Screwfix

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Anyone thinking of buiding a new run?


Flicking through the new ScrewFix catalogue I have just noticed that they now supply weldmesh, it is the 16g type ie the foxproof stuff and it is the cheapest I have seen and as they have Depot near us I can just go and pick it up, result.



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Am glad they're good for some things then Kev!!! They're a local company and are based in Yeovil-that's why their call centre is there...so if anyone moans about accents when you're phoning them it will be us Yeovilians!!!


Anyhow, just a word of warning, don't buy the metal pin/nail things from there as they're awful and are very bendible!!!

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shop around for the weld mesh


Screwfix 6m of 3ft x 1" x 1" is £18 + delivery


30m of the same from my local supplier is only £54 (or £90 from screwfix)


they also did shorter lengths but I needed 20m and will be selling the remainder on ebay :D


I opted for 19g, it's far easier to cut than 16g and strong enough for the job

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