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cheeky chick

Can't wait, 3 ex batts reserved for the 28th March!

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Hi everyone, after a few weeks of lurking I've decided to post. My eglu's on order and I've got a list of the essentials and where I can get them from however I can't seem to locate hemcore/auboise in the Liverpool or Merseyside area. I think there are 1 or 2 fellow Liverpudlians on here so I would like to ask where you can get it from (that's if you use it)?


I'm so excited and a bit worried at the same time as I know the ex batts are fragile but I've taken some time off work so I can keep my eye on them. Hopefully by the end of March the weather should be nicer so they can enjoy their first days of freedom with a bit of sun (hopefully!)


Another poster mentioned that she was desperate to pick her new chickens up but they were still nervous so was taking it slowly, is it the same with the ex batts?

I know they've had an horrendous life prior to the rescue but are they used to people and less nervous or has their ordeal made them even more nervous of people?!


Thanks in advance

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Firstly welcome aboard cheeky! :D


You will never regret getting chickens and ex-battery babies are just the best - not that im bias :roll::lol:


Im sure your new girls will love living with you and you'll find that they soon settle in and have you wrapped round their little wings in no time :wink::lol:


I cant help you on the hemcore front but you could try and search for horsey type places in your area and give them a ring to see if they stock it :?

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we get ours from a place in frodsham, we get our aubiose, mash, mixed corn, meal worms, oyster shell, grit, apple cider vinegar, poultry spice, flubenvet, garlic powder and egg boxes from them. They have virtually everything you could need! They might be a bit far for you but here's their details just in case...whereabouts in L'pool are you?



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Hi cheeky chick and welcome to the forum. Congratulations on deciding to get some chooks. They are well worth it.


Can't help with your local area. But I looked up "Horse Tack Shops" and "Horse Supply Shops" in the Yellow Pages and to my surprise found one less than a mile down the road which I've never noticed before. I also buy my garlic powder and apple cider vinegar from there too (by the way don't worry about those now - just stick with finding Aubiose/Hemcore). My local horse tack shop sells layers pellets too since lots of horsey people have chooks too.

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I just looked on there and cannot find Auboise or garlic powder :?


do you mean on the link i posted?


we were there on sunday and got 2 bales, they always have it in. Not everything they stock is shown on line for some reason.

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Welcome to the forum. I'm sure that with a little tlc your ex-batts will be fine. If they can survive a battery they can certainly survive an eglu! You asked about hemcore - if you put it into google you will see their website and if you look under 'bedding' you will see a national list of suppliers, you just have to put in your county. Good luck - we look forward to hearing from you.

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Welcome :D


Are you getting your girls from Adele? Cos we're picking up our 4 new girls on the 28th too from Adele in Haslingden. Can't wait :dance:


Might see you there. In fact, from reading these threads there seems to be a few of us of the forum picking up our girls from there. Me n hubby have decided we're going to wear our Omlet t-shirts so other people from the forum can say hello! :lol:

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We are getting ours from Adele on that day too, she is going to be a busy girl. I only arranged it today and am so excited now, we are getting 4 girls and we have never had chickens before either so I am a bit apprehensive too. We are in Lancs, Blackpool area so I will need to source some hemcore and other bits as well.

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Hi, sorry I couldn't reply yesterday had a few computer probs :(


Yes, I'm getting them from Adele in Haslingden too! We will have to make ourselves known to each other so we can put faces to names.


I haven't had chickens before but I've wanted some for a while, initially I was just going to get a couple with my eglu from Omlet as I was totally unaware of BHWT. It was only after the recent campaigns for free range that I found out about them and I'm so glad I did :D

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Unfortunately I can't get there until late, I have to work that day. I tried to get the day off but due to it being the Easter holiday period we were too short staffed. I wish I'd have known that before I asked because I would have phoned in sick instead :oops:


The best they can offer me is to have half a day off so I wont be able to get there until around 3.30 - 4.00.


I would have liked to have got there early :x

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