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eggs !!

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hi had our chickens since wk before xmas and still not had any eggs (pancake dat 2morr want some for then) has any 1 any info on when there will lay and is it because its still winter and bloody cold and there dont lay when its winter !!! or do there have time off laying as its cold !! thank you

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We got ours on 12th November from Omlet and had our first egg last Thursday! Over 11 weeks of waiting. It nearly killed me! But others ahve them really fast. The winter does slow them down and if they haven't matured enough before the dark nights come in they are unlikely to perk up and start laying till the days get a bit longer - but look out for their combs wattles reddening and growing and for them crouching. Pumpkin, our gingernut ranger, started crouching about a week before the first egg and her comb has really grown these last couple of weeks. Those are the best signs that the eggs are on their way. But it is SOOOO exciting when it happens that the wait will be forgotten! :D

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if you put your hand above the hen it will flatten itself onto the ground - you can't miss it as it's such a strange sight! It means they are ready for the cockerel which means an egg is on its way! Pumpkin hated me picking her up and now she crouches it's easy to give her a cuddle as she just stands still! The waiting is frustrating I know but I expect they will start soon now the days are getting loner. Fingers crossed!

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yes, there's no mistaking the crouching....if you approach the hen with your hand above her she will crouch and put both her wings out. Ours did this for about 7/10 days before laying.


brighter/red combs and wattles also a good sign.


Hope its not too long a wait for you! :wink:

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I LOVE this forum! I was ony wondering this myself today, so thank you for asking dogduck! Of course, I'm rather more impatient as I've only had my chooks for 10 days, ha. Both of mine have small pinkish combs, so I suppose I have a while to wait yet. One, the Welsummer is supposedly a larger breed, though she is very small - does anyone know if she'll grow with the warmer weather? Is that how it works? As for my Wyandotte, she still runs away from me, so no crouching there! Kris

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