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grit and red stone ?

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Get some anyway. The chickens will soon let you know if they like it or not. They are used to browsing the garden and picking out what size grit they need from the flower beds any way.


My lot eat this stuff.




On the left is a 2kg bag of mixed bird grit (which includes bits of shell anyway). On the back right of the plate is the bag of oyster shell I bought but it's too big and they don't eat it. So I mix in baked egg shells as you can see on the bottom right of the plate.


Don't think this close up pic has come out too well.


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I personally have never heard of red stone to be honest, I just thought grit was grit ! :D


Dont worry, your hens will only eat what they want to eat (same goes with plants in the garden) they seem very clever to know what they should and shouldnt eat, so if they dont like the red stone they will pick it out and eat the rest! :D

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I do not know much, but I know something about this. You can be three types of grit for two different purposes:

1. The grit they use to eat (because they have no teeth) is small stones - so could be red.

2. The grit they use as a calcioum suplement to help them make egg shells is usually shell (oyster shellls are common)

3. mixed poultry grit is the above two mixed together.


Mixed is what you would normally buy, but poultry suppliers will usually sell all three.



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