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Recipe needed!! Lamb Tagine

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Has anyone got the Hugh F. W. meat cook book. I am after a recipie from this book for a Lamb Tagine moroccan style. Not sure what the exact name for it was though :?

Think it had almonds in it??

We had this at a friends house a while ago and it was really lovley.

Have tryed googling it but cant seem to locate it.

Has anyone got this recipie and could post me the ingrediants and a brief blah blah of instructions.


Has anyone got a good morroccon lamb recipie.

Thanks :)

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I've got HFWs "Meat" book, and I've had a quick leaf through it, but I can't find a Moroccan lamb recipe in it :?


There is a Tunisiam lamb with aubergine recipe that might possibly be what you mean, as well as lamb & aubies there's also almonds, apricots, tinned toms and a load of spices. It sounds good although I have to admit to never having cooked it myself.


There's also something called Kibbeh Naye which is a Lebanese dish with bulgar wheat, but it looks as if it is intended as a starter rather than a main meal


Maybe it's me (I am rushing a bit right now) but I really can't see a Moroccan recipe :? .


Do you want me to post the details of either of those recipes?

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Hi Kate. Yes I think that the tunisian one sounds like the right one. The friend who cooked it had the book from the library at the time so we are at a loss to remember all the ingrediants. I think the list of ingrediants is quite long. If you could list them for me I would be very gratefull. Dont worry too much about all the details for the method. I think it requires a lamb stock but I am going to cheat and use cubes :oops: Just a breif idea would be good and I will bluff it :lol:

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OK, HFW's Tunisian Lamb with Aubergine (serves 6)



1kg stewing lamb or mutton cut into large cubes (a mixture of scrag end & boned out shoulder is good)

2 aubergines, cut into 5cm cubes

2 teaspoons fine salt

Approx 4 tablespoons olive oil

2 garlic cloves, chopped

1 onion, chopped

2 celery sticks, chopped

1 leek, sliced

1 teaspoon cumin seeds

1 teaspoon coriander seeds

2 cloves

1 teaspoon ground ginger

2 x 400g tins chopped tomatoes

approx 1 litre lamb stock (made from the trimmings & bones)

100g whole blanched almonds

100g unsulphured dried apricots

small bunch coriander, finely chopped

salt & freshly ground black pepper


Toss the aubergine chunks in with fine salt & leave in a colander to bleed.

Meanwhile in a heavy based casserole, heat 1/2 the olive oil & brown the meat in it in batches, setting aside when done.

Add a little more oil if necessary, then add garlic, onion, celery & leek. Sweat until tender.

Pound the cumin, coriander & cloves together in a pestle & mortar & add to the sweating veggies with the ginger. Stir well & cook for a couple more minutes. Add the toms, turn up the heat a little & simmer, stirring occasionally until you have a thick, pulpy sauce.

Add the lamb. Pour in enough stock to cover & mix well. Bring to a trembling, gentle simmer & cook very gently, either on the stove or covered with it's lid in a very low oven (120oC/gas mark 1/2) for 1 hr.

Quickly rinse the aubie chunks & pat dry. Heat another teablespoon or so of olive oil & stir fry the aubies until nicely browned. Add to the casserole with the almonds & apricots & stir everything together. Return casserole to the heat/oven for another good hr, or longer, unil both the meat & aubies are completely, meltingly tender.

Adjust seasoning, stir in coriander. Leave for 15-20 mins to absorb this last flavouring, then serve with couscous or plain rice.


Hope it's as good as you remember!

I'm not entirely sure what a trembling simmer is by the way!!!!!

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Thankyou so much for taking the time and trouble to type this out for me kate. I really appreciate this. I am planning on cooking it on the weekend so I will let you know how I get on. :D:D:D

Thankyou all for your help. I knew I could rely on you all :D


please do let us know, although the one I make is delish, I'm always ready to try a variation, especially as Ian is growing some aubergines this year :lol:


Hope you have a lovely weekend



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Thanks. I will let you know.

We grew aubergines last year and they did really well. We had them in our green house though, I think they appreciate warmer conditions. We tryed some outside and they didnt fruit. I think they need a sunny spot and I think mine were in the shade too much.

Growing them again this year. :D


I will try your recipie too. I have cut and pasted them :D


We grew peppers last year too, but they were a disaster :lol:

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I cooked it on Saturday!!

Following HFW's recipie. However I did not make my own stock from Lamb bones because I didnt have any and also did not put in coriander seed as I bought dryed leaf by mistake. Durrr!!

However it was YUMMY!!

This recipie make up to LOTS. Well enough for 2 meals, so we are having it tonight as well :D

Planning on having a group of our neighbours round soon and this would be great for that.

Its not to much of a faff. I think it would be better to do it with proper stock though, so if I cook it for guests I would take the trouble to make a stock the day before. It took all afternoon in the cooker on low to cook properly so I think if you do stock it would be easer to do it the day before.

Thanks for all the info :D

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