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Either at dawn or dusk, they are resonably easy to pick up when they are close to laying because they crouch down when you come near because they see you as head of the flock (cockerel but we won't go into that :roll: )


If you are firm but gentle you will be fine get hold of them around their wings with both hands holding their wings to your body then tuck them under your arm or put them on your knee but wear old trosers because they don't wipe their feet :lol:


Good luck they are great fun.

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I know what you mean about the claws.... I used to be frightened of giving mine their treats too, as they come ready to peck and I can be a right coward!! :lol:

I never think of ours as chickens... I think of them as raptors in feathers...


I've got better since, though, I quite like holding them... and they are quite happy to be stroked too... one piece of advise though, don't wear clean clothes when holding them!!! I've gone mad at my daughter more than once for going out to give them a hug wearing her school uniform cream coloured blouse!!!

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