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I've got two goldlines and they are the nosiest little girlies I have ever come across! They learned within about 2 hours that small children = treats, and will come clucking anytime they see someone in the garden - lovely chickens! :D

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Hi Mirkwood,

Having a general browse around the forum and noticed the names of your hens are exactly the same as mine! We've had Nutmeg and Bramble for a week now and they've settled in really well. Enjoy yours when they arrive! :D [/code]

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Thanks for your replies as you know i am getting them on Sunday and i am a little nervous to say the least. but very excited at the same time :D


I'm sure they'll be fine. Sorry to hear about the quail - hopefully your new chickens will give the cat pause for thought! Yesterday I was looking out of the bedroom window and saw our old cat reconsider coming round the back way because she would have to run the gauntlet of three bantams (who are half her size) :lol:

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Hi dw and eyren

yep i think their very good names just cant wait now. As for the Quail well i know it was Mooky because on closer inspection her fur was caught on the run where the Quail are. The new ark will arrive soon and i will feel better having them in there. one of them is my favorite, and sits on my knee for mealworms. I hope the chooks give her a run for her money but I DONT TRUST HER. :evil:

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