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Slow Forum?

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:evil: I'm finding it very slow too. Had to wait 6 mins to reply to your post Lsley!


It's a pain because I am sneaky and use this forum at work (sure helps me get through the day!!) and when it's this slow it makes me so anxious that I'm going to get caught. I've only been using the forum this week. Have to admit - I am addicted!


I felt before finding this that I was they only nutty chicken keeper - it's so nice to realise I'm not alone! hee hee


I don't have internet access at home - I'll miss it over the weekend... :cry:

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:cry: It's really upsetting isn't it? It's ruined my Friday! That and the sodding snow... I was really looking forward to a pleasant weekend with my chickens!! :evil: English weather...


Suppose I will just have to wrap up warm to spend some time with them!

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:lol: Especially when we are all starting to panic about importing a virus/worm thats slowing our system :roll: . Obviously Omlet was very busy on their server today ..... and yes, I did notice before about the Practical P site being really slow .. not like us more preened and friendly chooks over here :P
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:lol: Funny ... I only posted re.Pepper because I feel more for the chooks than poss. P P forum people :wink: . Having said that .. a few don't even post logical replies to your posts, they are all going on about worms now, which was totally ruled out by the vet, and also Pepper does not look anaemic. Just crook :roll: .
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Wow Sarah, I haven't been over there in ages because it was so snotty but it must have got really bad. Why do people behave like that their way of anything is the only way :cry: I left that behind in primary school :lol: Still we are a nice bunch and thats all that counts :wink:

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:roll: I posted about Pepper being ill, and went to look for info in their clinic section. And looked more often as some chooks over there had a similar thing. I was interested in a "Sultan" whio died similar thing to Pepper and they are doing a post mortem ... I wanted the info to help us all out over here if its a bacterial type thing :roll: .


Anyway ... the general tone was always ... "we know better" and not sticking to, or totally missing the point. Also quite unfriendly .. and in one case did read that a moderator had stepped in to remove certain inuendo, incase younger forum users were reading :shock:

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I haven't been over there for ages either. There are some really nice helpful people on that forum but there are also some really rotten eggs (sorry, no pun intended) who spoil it for the others. I olny go to nice forums now - ours is by far the nicest :wink: !


By the way, is it just me or are we running slowly again tonight??

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