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How often should I change my woodchips?

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I'm new to hen/eglu keeping and the girls' run is on woodchips. I've only had them a week (during which they've been confined to the run), but will be letting them free-range, soon. I work part-time, so I guess they'll be free-ranging about half the time.


How often should I replace the woodchips in the run? and what's the best thing to do with the soiled ones? Composting seems the obvious answer, but I'm worried they'll take too long to rot down. We only have a fairly small garden, so our composting capacity is 2 x 220l plastic dalek things....



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I have to say I used wood chips to start with and they dont last anywhere near as long as aubrose/hemcore does. I did it every month and even then it was very questionable at this point. I think you just need to look at it, you can tell when it needs changing as it all looks claggy and solid looking. Plus is you get a lot of rain it will need changing sooner.

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Yes I agree with CatsCube, when I had woodchips they would need doing after 4 or 5 weeks as the poo didn't absorb as well. But I've had hemcore for 3 or 4 weeks now and it still looks like normal! :shock:


As a recent convert, I would definitely recommend finding a supplier of hemcore/aubiose as it is much easier, and my missus prefers it as it looks nicer in the garden apparently. :roll:

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Thanks for all advice - It looks as if Hemcore will be the best option. Only trouble is, I've got at least 2 cubic metres of extra woodchips on my drive at the moment...... :?


......Anyone in Sheffield want some garden mulch....?



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