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Sarah B

A really stupid question from a newbie........

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Hi all,


This is a prob a really stupid question but I got my 2 girls today from Omlet and they seem to be settling in nicely!


They are not at POL as are not crouching and dont have bright red combs, however my question is ........Please don't laugh.......


When I get my first egg how do you know which chicken has laid it if you don't see them doing it?



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You don't. :lol:


You will notice them going into the nesting box for long periods, and if you are lucky, you can work out which one laid which egg that way.


Trouble is, often their eggs are very similar.


3 of mine lay medium sized brown eggs, and I can't tell exactly which one laid which egg, but the others I can tell at a glance.

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Ahh ok, thanks for that I thought I was being extra dim because of the posts on here where people always seem to know what chicken laid which egg. I guess unless you see them nesting and one pops out or you have a chicken who produces odd eggs you have no chance lol.



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