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Yay, they've arrived!

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My Eglu and chooks arrived today, George delivered them and set up the Eglu and run, gave us lots of helpful advice and clipped Mimi's wing for us then I did Lulu's and DH did Yum Yum's. they seemed to settle in ok and started grooming themselves straight away and ate and drank plenty, I had great fun watching them all afternoon :D


When it came to bedtime they didn't seem keen to go in the Eglu probably because it was the first time they'd seen one and they didn't realise it was their home, I left a torch in there but that didn't work and as darkness fell we had to resort to nudging them in with a swiffer :oops:


I now keep opening the conservatory door and listening to check that they're ok, I said to DH it's more worrying than having baby as at least a baby would be in the house! Does everyone worry this much? They are so lovely to watch and chat to (if I bok bok to them they reply) I don't want to go to work tomorrow :(

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... Does everyone worry this much?


I did and still do to a certain extent as, although I've learnt an awful lot, I'm still learning and when something is unfamiliar it IS worrying but you'll start to worry less, the more experienced you get.


The joy will never wear off though ;)

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You are definately not alone with the worrying thing, but that's good because it means you care about your chickens!


Its the responsiblity thing isn't it? And I said exactly the same thing to my DH when we got them that it was like having a new baby (but at least you don't have to get up in the night to feed them!!)



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I'm worried sick about mine - second day here and one has iffy poo but they went into the eglu on their own tonight - I think it was because the weather was awful? No idea when they went in but I got back from work at 6 and in they were! I did the torch thing last night to get them in, it worked.

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It's nice to know I'm not the only worrier here! I got up early today to let them out worried that they might disturb the neighbours but I went into the garden there wasn't a sound and when I opened the door three little faces peered out!


I didn't get in from work until 8pm tonight but I'd phoned DH earlier :oops: to check that our girls were ok as it was raining when I left for work this afternoon.


I told him to wait until I got home to try & get them in the Eglu but the little darlings had already taken themselves to bed by 5.45pm! It's the first time I've ever been thankful for grotty weather :clap:


Sarah B, from reading the forum iffy poos are quite normal when they're settling in, Mimi our Mrs Pepperpot has been doing Caramac coloured poo (oh, no, have I just given my age away? :lol: ) and I'm sure that Yum Yum sneezed a couple of times so I'll keep an eye on her.


I think the shower curtain will be going on the run tomorrow and I'm definitely going to the stables to get some hemcore :)

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we had to resort to nudging them in with a swiffer :oops:


Excuse my ignorance :oops::oops::oops: , but what is a swiffer :?::?::?:


My girls took themselves to bed the first night (and every night since), so I've never had to cajole them into the eglu.


Congratulations on your girls. Enjoy! :)

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A swiffer is a floor cleaning device consisting of a broom handle and a flat oblong plate at the end. You wrap a disposable wipe around the plate and push it around the kitchen/ bathroom floor ( saves getting on your hands and knees to wipe the floor).


Oh dear I sound like a domestic godess............I have one such device, its very handy for wiping up mucky footprints from going to check on chickens! and saves my poor old knees and back! :lol:

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