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umbrella thursday


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We've been and got our chooks this morning. Two little pekins, one buff, one white (Marge and Agatha) and a gold and silver laced wyandotte (Mop and Bucket). We got them from the DTB centre and they are pecking around in their eglu run at the moment.


I have a couple of questions - the ground isn't that level but we have pegged the run down with the special run pegs. I'm worried the ground is a bit soft and the foxes will dig down in no time. Will they be OK in there?


We also got wood shavings - very fine ones from the DTB centre and it is blowing everywhere. I am guessing hemcore would be better - what exactly is it?


Thanks for any advice you can give. I'm so excited and can't stop looking out of the window and running outside.

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The DBT is lovely isnt it? Did you have a coffee there? there are so many to choose from. They never had wyandottes when we went - so im very :mrgreen:


Hemcore is fab in the run.....its a horsey type bedding that comes in compacted bales. We get ours from Mole Valley. Im not sure where you are in Somerset but Golden Hill Pet supplies in Wellington sell Aubiose which is very similar to hemcore.

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I have a couple of questions - the ground isn't that level but we have pegged the run down with the special run pegs. I'm worried the ground is a bit soft and the foxes will dig down in no time. Will they be OK in there?


If your run is securely pegged they should be fine - the skirting means that the fox has to dig a substantial tunnel to get in, rather than just digging a shallow s"Ooops, word censored!"e to wriggle under. If you do have trouble with foxes trying to dig their way in despite the skirt, you could always install the Omlet underfloor mesh (designed to stop rabbits getting out, but it would do the reverse for foxes):



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The DBT is lovely isnt it? Did you have a coffee there? there are so many to choose from. They never had wyandottes when we went - so im very :mrgreen:


Hemcore is fab in the run.....its a horsey type bedding that comes in compacted bales. We get ours from Mole Valley. Im not sure where you are in Somerset but Golden Hill Pet supplies in Wellington sell Aubiose which is very similar to hemcore.


We certainly did have a coffee and very nice it was too. Was particularly impressed with the family room with all the toys so our nearly two year old was quite happy and we enjoyed our coffee.

Thanks for the advice re hemcore - we are near Mole Valley - we live in Frome. I'll try that I think as the woodshavings are too tempting for our little one.


Thanks Eyren for the advice on the run - it has eased my mind somewhat. They certainly look happy in there although the little white pekin keeps getting sat on by the others. Should I be worried about this?

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