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umbrella thursday

Chooks sitting on smallest one

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It's me again - further to my post below about getting our chooks today - I think I'm turning into a worrier already - every time I go out to check on them, the two wyandottes and the buff pekin are sitting on top of the white pekin and she's kind of pressed into the ground. Should I worry? Does it mean she's ill? When I poked them she got up and started to peck about.


Sorry - I have so many questions at the moment, it's all so new and I want to do the best I can for the girls.

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they are probably sorting out the pecking order.


It should settle, but even in my flock now the lowest chook still gets the occasional peck or telling off...only natural.


Keep an eye on the little one, incase of any severe pecks or injuries but she should be just fine :D


you wouldnt be a good chicken mum if you didnt worry! :wink:

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Thank you. I thought it might be that - for a bit I thought she was ill but she jumps up just fine when I go out. They haven't actually made it into the eglu yet, they're under the shade but seem to be getting wet and blown about - they don't seem to mind but the husband and I can't wait for dusk so we can see how to get them in.


I've got soaked today going out into the rain every ten minutes to check on them. It's so nice hearing them cheep away at the end of the garden.

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Hi there, just to say hope you managed to put them to bed OK, weathers been awful so don't envy you if you had to chase them about! Also if the little one continues to get jumped on might be an idea to add another temporary feeding station, just so she can get to food and drink


Mrs Bertie

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Thank you all. Well, they wouldn't follow the torch we put in the eglu so I ended up lying on my front in the run to nudge them all in. Let's hope they're all OK in the morning. Will keep an eye on the food situation - little one seemed happy pecking about so we'll see.


Thanks all for your helpful advice and for not making me feel dumb for all my questions. This is such a friendly board.

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They are fine thank you Egluntine - I opened the eglu door (was the earliest I've got up in a LONG time and we have a nearly two year old) and they didn't come out for ages - and then I sprinkled some sweetcorn in their run and the little one I was worried about first (Agatha) came out first, bless her and started to eat it up. She was soon followed by Bucket the silver laced wyandotte who walked straight over her to get to it (think Bucket is top of the pecking order) and then the others popped out and started to cluck about. It's all sunny too and they seem to be loving it. I can't believe I didn't do this before - my little girl won't come inside, she loves watching them so much. It's just fab.

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...She was soon followed by Bucket the silver laced wyandotte who walked straight over her to get to it (think Bucket is top of the pecking order) ...


Sounds like my Angelica - beautiful little hen but decidedly bolshy! :lol:


Glad you're enjoying them! I know what you mean about wanting more - I'm just psyching myself up to telling the DH I'd like a couple of pekins and maybe a walk-in run to give them a bit more space (the eglu itself can house a lot more birds than its run can). I think we'd better get the broken fence fixed and paid for first, though!

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