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dogs and chickens

Can anyone tell me

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What age are your chickens?


I would keep buying the eggs for the time being anyway. I got my hens in October and some are still not laying. Now, I know that a lot of that is down to the time of year that we got them but there are people on the forum who have had their hens for longer than I have and they haven't laid an egg. Other people collect their hens and get eggs straight away. It is a good time of year to get them but it will still depend on their age and nature.


Sorry I can't be more help. I do know what it's like to be impatient for eggs. As I said, our girls arrived in October and we had our first eggs in December. Our local butcher would tease me every time we used to buy eggs.

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Just but them six at a time!


You could have eggs tomorrow, it could be another six weeks.


When they are ready to start laying their wattles and combs enlarge and redden, and they crouch as you approach for about a week before.


When you see these signs, you will know that an egg is imminent.

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Afraid it really is 'piece of string' - the 'point of lay' description covers about a six-week age difference, and they don't all start to lay at exactly the same age.


I waited what seemed like forever but was actually about four-five weeks for my first egg, but I have read of people who got eggs the day after their Omlet hens arrived. I'd buy some just in case - then if you do get some 'real' eggs, you can compare the two!

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