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Ms Tilytinkle

What, How & Why..

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Good Morning,


Is it possible for anyone with the iclination to write down a few of their Do's & Don'ts

Just so peeps like me, who have a dreadful memory, will be able to keep referring to it when necesssary. Today i was reading about Poultry Spice query & Garlic , when it suddenly dawned on me that although i think i've got it, i haven't as i couldn't remember what the poultry spice was for, but remembered the garlic was to stop poops smelling. Then bring ACV into the equation , Lime Flour & Bokashi Bran etc etc ooooh I'm off into wonderland of PANIC :) Do i understand, do I have all i need, do i know where to put it & how to use it etc


Sorry for asking again ladies, I'm sure i have all info - but its just last minute PANIC STATION :)



Please i would appreciate sooooo much if each of you who enjoy contributing, sharing wisdom & knowledge. . could please, kindly, would you write down for me your little list of your most significant; 1) WHAT: ..... 2) HOW: ...... & 3) WHY: .......

Mmmmm me thinks , maybe once I have a few replies I can complle them into one post & request to the hierachy, if it could perhaps become an INFO STICKY... for others who's memory is just like mine.



Many Thanks & Warm Spring Blessings to You All



Ms Tilyhomenowthinkingohmygoodnessonly3moredaysyikeshelp



:shock:PP(white chicken)(Bluebelle)PP(white chicken)PP(cube green):shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::pray:

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Morning ms Tily 8)


I am sure we can sort something out - leave it with us.


I will start it off with this,then I can add any other suggestions to my post & stickyfy it when its done.


I think it will work best as a sort of Glossary of products & how they are used


GARLIC POWDER - Neutralises the smell of the chickens poo - 1 tsp to a grub of feed


LIMESTONE FLOUR - A Clacium supplement for strong shells - 1 tsp to a grub of feed


POULTRY SPICE - All round mineral supplement,useful when in moult - 1 tsp to a grub of feed


AUBIOSE/HEMCORE - Natural bedding for use in poo tray,nest box & as a flooring to a run. Composts well & is very absorbant.


RED MITE POWDER - Gorgeous smelling treatment for red mite.Useful to sprinkle into the nest box Aubiose as a preventative.


DIATOM/DIATOMACEOUS EARTH-A natural product to keep red mite at bay.Rub into the bare ends of your roosting bars, & add to nest boxes & dust baths.


VERM-X - Natural worming treatment which is simply added to feed or used as a scatter food once a month.


FLUBENVET- Available from your vets to treat worms in hens.It is in powder form & is added to the feed.


BOKASHI BRAN- A supplementary feed, which can aid the hens digestion


AVIPRO-Probiotic and vitamin supplement, good pick-me-up for stressed or sick hens, helps to settle tummy upsets. 1tsp in the Glug


CITRICIDAL- natural extract to add to the water as a vitamin supplement. Useful for hens with the sniffles. Can also be used to clean the Eglu.


RESPITE- Wickedly strong garlicky liqued,which is great for treating hens with colds & sneezes


APPLE CIDER VINEGAR - Add a splash to drinking water to aid digestion


CHICKEN GRIT - Chickens need this to digest their food properly.Some also contains Oyster shell for calcium which is also essential to your chickens health.Keep a small pot in their pen for them to pick at when they need it.


CHICKEN PELLETS A pellet for of chicken feed should have all of the vitamins they need for a healthy diet.


CHICKEN MASH A rough powdered form of chicken feed,again containing all they need to keep fit & well.


MIXED CORN A supplementary scatter food,useful given a couple of times a week,especially in the winter. Chickens love to scratch around for it.


MEAL WORMS Chickens most favourite thing in the whole world.A treat food.


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Hello Sarah


Brill Thank you so much, concise & informative - easy to begin my list with.


Please, may i now enquire; would most additions/supplements to their food be daily, weekly, every other day etc ???


It's nearly Thursday, counting down begins . .



Ms Tilywishesshewasstillinbulgarianochickensarrivingthere



:shock:(white chicken)PP(Bluebelle)(white chicken)PPPP(cube green):shock::shock::shock::pray:

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Thank you Egluntine,

Please Miss, my Mother Miss, she told me Miss, to tell you Miss, that i Miss, won't Miss, cant pay as much attention, as much as you think i can Miss :?



Whoooops - i did look, honest but obviously didn't read it enough.

I did click onto a link & i seemed to take me to a supplier.


Thank you - great sticky,


Meanwhile . . Must concentrate more in class . . . 100 times

No distracting others . . 100 times


Ms TilylearningmuchfrommanyMsTilygrateful



:shock:PP(white chicken)PP(white chicken)(Bluebelle)PP(cube green):shock::shock::shock::pray:

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:lol::lol: Just though it would save you waiting for answers.


If you want a list of my "must haves"...here it is:


Aubiose. (8th wonder of the world).

Red Mite Powder. (Smells heavenly....I am always tempted to use it as talc!)


Limestone Flour. I really rate this a calcium supplement if you get shell-less or soft shelled eggs.

Garlic Powder. Astonishingly it tones down the poo smell.


Metal bin for food storage. Rats can gnaw through plastic.


That is it for starters.


There are lots of other things you can get as you go along....but you don't need them all at once....and you would bankrupt yourself into the bargain!



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MrsTilly. I think you would probably benefit from attending a Chicken Keeper course. Do you have any taking place anywhere near you? If not you could look on the 'visit an eglu/cube owner' part of the forum and see if you could pay a visit to someone nearby. I think it can be very reasuring to just go and see some chooks and have a bit of a chat with someone, as without that it can seem a bit bewildering. (plus on the omlet courses you can a hen keeping guide to take away with you.)

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Hi Egluntine


Thank you, thats brill.

Is Ambiose used the same as Hemcore? Bedding?


Ms Tilybankruptalready

I have ordered essentials.

Eggs, chickens on the cheap - NO CHANCE!!!


Remember my wild observation was, "Oooooh it just must be cheaper to have own chickens then to keep buying free range organic eggs" . . . hmm


Ahem - Ms Tilythinkschookscostsafortune

Ms Tilyalsothinkspleasureisinvaluable


Counting down & not counting costs :)


Ms Tilyneedstorakegardenagainandconsiderhowclosebenethneighbourswindowcubewillbe


Ms Tillymayneedextragarlicpowderinsummer



:shock:PP(white chicken)(Bluebelle)(white chicken)PPPP(cube green):shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::pray:

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Hi Egluntine


Thank you, thats brill.

Is Ambiose used the same as Hemcore? Bedding?


Essentially, yes. Just different manufacturers. Hemcore is a tiny big co"Ooops, word censored!"r, but that doesn't make any real difference....and it used to contain citronella, but I have a feeling that this is no longer the case.

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POULTRY SPICE - All round vitamin supplement,useful when in moult - 1 tsp to a grub of feed


Hate to be picky, Sarah (no, scratch that, I love being picky :lol: ), but Poultry Spice is a mineral supplement. Definitely contains calcium, not sure about the rest as I don't have the container to hand.


I would add:


AviPro - Probiotic and vitamin supplement, good pick-me-up for stressed or sick hens. 1tsp in the glug (though I usually give it mixed in with sweetcorn to ensure it gets eaten!).

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Hello MsTilydontgetyourknickersinatwistitwillbeokpromise. :wink:


All of the above are great tips. Personally I swear by bokashi bran as it bulks up the girls poos wonderfully and reduces the odour. No more soggy squits for my girls! It has these beneficial micro-organisms in it which do wonders for the girls gut(s). Wiggly Wigglers do a Bokashi mixed with Layers Mash combo, which I recommend.


Chickens may not be cheap to set up, but the running costs are not bad. It's just that initial outlay, promise! The fun they provide (and the lovely eggs, of course) more than makes up for the expense. :D:D:D

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Hello Catscube,

Thankyou . .whispering . ."but but but i have been to visit the most helpful, most lovley, most friendly cube owner, i'm just a slow student!!! Plus, all seemed to make sense when there . .now 2 weeks on i feel back to square one when all seems daunting.


Surely we get a keeping hen booklet when purchasing a cube & chicks... i mean it states 'everything you need to start' - but that statement isn't exactly true ..should be 'almost everything' .. ie cube, feeders & chicks but i recently discovered it should also say

'you now need to buy Organic Food, pellets, supplements, mite powder etc etc etc

I ordered mine ages ago thinking it came with literally everything i needed to start!!!

Glad i double checked !!! Or i would've been panicking Thursday realising no food etc came with delivery.


I'm sure all with make sense, the omlet guy will probably show me al i need to know.


Thanks for all replies


Ms Tilyunravellingconfusiontakingdeepbreathandcalmagain



8)PP(white chicken)(Bluebelle)(white chicken)PPPP(cube green):)


Medusa, must admit firm non smelling poops sound more favourable, sounds good thank you!! :)

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Surely we get a keeping hen booklet when purchasing a cube & chicks... i mean it states 'everything you need to start' - but that statement isn't exactly true ..should be 'almost everything' .. ie cube, feeders & chicks but i recently discovered it should also say

'you now need to buy Organic Food, pellets, supplements, mite powder etc etc etc

I ordered mine ages ago thinking it came with literally everything i needed to start!!!

Glad i double checked !!! Or i would've been panicking Thursday realising no food etc came with delivery.


That sounds a bit stingey of them, given the higher price of the cube. The eglu comes with a 20kg sack of pellets if you are getting chickens, so why not the cube?

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I've just checked my cube order and it does include a bag of pellets costing 10 pounds.


It was automatically added to the order as I've ordered chickens from Omlet but I did have the option not to buy the food.


I guess if you order the cube without chickens you don't get the food

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Hi there,


BUT . .but I have ordered chickens from OMLET, 3 of the little feathered friends!!

Hmm will see what turns up, i really did expect food etc came with it when it states

'everything you need'



Hopefully i will be pleasantly surprised

( i had enough being ripped off in Bulgaria )



Ms Tilyneedstoleveloutgroundforchooksarrival




:shock::shock::shock:PP(white chicken)PP(Bluebelle)(white chicken)PP(cube green):shock::shock::shock::?:pray:

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Check your email confirmation. The food is listed on mine as



Item: Organic Chicken Food

Qty: 1

Cost: £10.00




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POULTRY SPICE - All round vitamin supplement,useful when in moult - 1 tsp to a grub of feed


Hate to be picky, Sarah (no, scratch that, I love being picky :lol: ), but Poultry Spice is a mineral supplement. Definitely contains calcium, not sure about the rest as I don't have the container to hand.


I would add:


AviPro - Probiotic and vitamin supplement, good pick-me-up for stressed or sick hens. 1tsp in the glug (though I usually give it mixed in with sweetcorn to ensure it gets eaten!).


Oh,you are quite right of course :roll::lol:

That'll teach me to try & type clever things before I am properly awake :lol:

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You should get pellets with the Cube if you're having chickens.


My top tips, in addition to the ones above: find a jar, biscuit tin, or other container to mix up pellets, garlic, grit etc. - it makes it easier to do a batch at one time. I use a plastic jar that once held sweets.


A scoop is useful for scooping out the pellets. Also, a small (indoor plant type) watering can with a long spout is good for topping up the Glug without having to open the door. I don't know if this works for the Cube Glug, mind you.


Save plastic take-away trays, ice-cream cartons etc. for putting treats in, or extra water if you're going to be away.


Start saving egg-boxes - once they kick into production, you can never have enough!


Don't surf the Chicken Clinic too much, it will just worry you unnecessarily. Don't take risks with the fox - he will not give you a second chance.


Above all, enjoy your chickens - I was so nervous when I first got mine, it took me ages to relax and start having fun.

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POULTRY SPICE - All round vitamin supplement,useful when in moult - 1 tsp to a grub of feed


Hate to be picky, Sarah (no, scratch that, I love being picky :lol: ), but Poultry Spice is a mineral supplement. Definitely contains calcium, not sure about the rest as I don't have the container to hand.


I would add:


AviPro - Probiotic and vitamin supplement, good pick-me-up for stressed or sick hens. 1tsp in the glug (though I usually give it mixed in with sweetcorn to ensure it gets eaten!).


Oh,you are quite right of course :roll::lol:

That'll teach me to try & type clever things before I am properly awake :lol:


Tub of Poultry Spice in front of me as I type :lol:


Contains: Minerals, cereal grain products and by-products, spices.



Protein 5%

Oil 2%

Fibre 1%

Ash 66%

Calcium 24%

iron 1.25 %

potassium 0.85%

Magnesium 0.3%


One teaspoonful to be given for every 10 birds.


TBH I shouldn't think it contributes anything in significant enough amounts to make a massive difference..

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Sarah - will you marry me? FAB LIST will print off thank you!! :)


Thank you all soo much, great tips, much help & nice relief from concern as to ' if i'll ever be ready for them.

Oddly our teenage daughter who has hardly mentioned them last night said . Mam, its only 3 days till our chickens come!! " I asked her if she was looking forward to them coming then, not even imagining she would remember arrival date let alone be excited for them coming, as she surprisingly said yes she was soooo excited!!!! Bless. She loves animals so its a lovely treat for her & her cats :)


Just going out to buy steel food bin & Plant watering utensil

I have old jars with tops, the Douwe Egburts coffee ones, with lid that seals, will rinse them again to make sure all remains of coffee is removed


When everyone gives them their green treats, do i cook them or give them greens raw?



Counting down & thinking maybe i should be excited by now !!!! :)



Ms Tilyneedschickenkeeper :D



:)PP(Bluebelle)(white chicken)PP(white chicken)PP(cube green):pray:

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Greens are best raw, as pecking at them keeps the hens busy - but if you have leftover cooked stuff, that's OK too.


You can give them most vegetable leftovers if they're just boiled or steamed (not fried or otherwise fatty), including potato peelings - but you must cook those first (chickens can't eat potatoes raw, any more than we can). Similarly plain boiled rice, pasta and suchlike go down a treat, or stale bread soaked in water (v important!). Avoid meat, dairy and fatty or salty foods.


Just don't give them too much of the starchy stuff (or too often) or the chooks will get fat and may develop problems laying. About a serving-spoon-full per hen is about right, I reckon, given about an hour before dusk (so that they fill up on nutritious pellets during the day).

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Thank you Olly, Eyren, Cinnamon, ajm200, . . all comments appreciated.

I will get some raw treats to hang up in run until their homed to keep them occupied.


Hmmmm, My local breeder rang me today & said 3 of my chickens weren't available on Wed. I am so disappointed as i ordered them so all would be delivered together.

He's going to ring me back & see what he has remaining for Thursday.


Ms Tilytrustingallwilbeokayandchookswillbeavailableahemfingerscrossed



PP(white chicken)(Bluebelle)PP(white chicken)PP:shock::shock:(cube green):pray:

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