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Not free ranging!!

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I think the main reason would be safety from predators. Mine are in the run about 80% of the time, if I am home and can be in the garden I let them out, but I have to be out there with them.


They narrowly escaped being 'foxed' last year even though I was around, I dare not risk that again.

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i kept mine in the run permanently, (the 2 big ones in the eglu run and the three bantams in the wooden run) for about a month and a half, i was on holiday and then had to reaarrange my garden before i found a suitable place for them to free range.this was shortly after i lost my favourite hen to a fox when she was free ranging so i was being over cautious. id seen the fox in my garden regularily.


they didnt seem to mind much but now that they free range everyday you can see that they are happier.

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Mine are only getting let out for a short time each day at the moment - some days not at all. I'm desperately trying to preserve the lawn. But they are in a large run with branches to perch on and plants to dig under, so they are hardly deprived (even though you would think so to see them pacing up and down when I go outside :evil: ) :D

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My new run is due to arrive on the 24th and then my girls will be confined to the run. At the moment they free range from about 7am 'til they put themselves to bed. With summer coming and 2 LOs I need to be able to let them onto the grass without rolling in Chicken poo. Come winter I'll let the chickens free range again.

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